Keyword Synonyms

Started by garypcook, June 26, 2014, 04:00:06 PM

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As discussed in the metadata section I would like to propose an option to include all synonyms of parent keywords when producing a flattened list of keywords from a hierarchical list.

For example a hierarchy may be :-

    {United Kingdom}
    {Great Britain}

If the keyword Northumberland is selected this currently appears as a hierarchical keyword UK|England|Northumberland and the synonym UK|England|Northumbria is automatically added and these are mapped to flat keywords UK;England;Northumberland;Northumbria but the synonyms of the parent keywords are not currently added - ie. United Kingdom and Great Britain (synonyms of UK) are not added.

An option to be able to automatically add all synonyms of a keyword hierarchy would be useful and save considerable time in keywording images. In this example adding the keyword Northumberland would then automatically a comprehensive list of keywords :- UK;United Kingdom:Great Britain;England;Northumberland;Northumbria

This could be selected as an option in the Metadata preferences in addition to the existing options, eg :-

Write hierarchical keywords
Write path elements

are selected then an additional option Write parent keyword synonyms could be selected.

Many thanks,



Though an old FR, I support it.

It is not very important for me, but would be helpful.
Specialy if we exand for example the hierarchical path with one or more levels, then the synonyms from a lower level will not be added (anymore).

Hence this FR is still valid for me.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)