File Window and Icons

Started by stephock, January 09, 2017, 01:37:08 PM

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I use many different file window layouts. I find the thumbnail icons to be intrusive and (to be honest) a bit too colourful and distracting, so on all my layouts (except my 'working' layout) I turn off the icons and label bar. However, it was necessary to have certain information displayed, so I've included this information in another way (See attachment). The Label name is printed out in the label colour; the original date is formatted; for versions, MASTER or VERSION is displayed; and in the lower right-hand corner,  the file file relation is indicated with 'V', keywords with 'K', and 'GPS' information with 'G'.

I'd like to do the same thing for stacks ('S'). Also, I find the small icon indicating the total number in the version set or stack almost impossible to see, and would like to add this value to my display ('V2', etc).
Finally, I would like to indicate when a file has unwritten metadata.

My question is, how can I access this information? I can't seem to find the relevant variables/tags: stack (and Top), total in version set or stack, and unwritten metadata.



Very unusual.

But not everything is possible, not even with IMatch.
I don't have the IMatch help with me but I doubt you can access such complicated things as stacks via variables.
If the variables help topic does not mention variables related to stacks, there are none.

Frankly,, over the past 3 years, nobody ever had a need for that. And this is a good indicator whether or not I should spend time with such things like adding more variables. Feel free to post a feature request for that, giving details how you would expect the variables to behave. Especially in the case that a file is part of multiple stacks or a regular stack and a version stack. This can become quite tricky quickly. It was complicated to make it available for scripting, and variables are much more limited.

IMatch File Window layouts and customization go way, way beyond what you can do in other software. And this includes 50,000$ DAM software.
If even these manifold customizing features cannot give you what you want, you probably have outgrown IMatch and maybe you need a purpose-built software or something.

I use IMatch on 4K monitors and don't find the stack icons unreadable. It's just a small indicator. You can always open the stack panel to see how many files are stacked etc.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Sorry, Mario. Not a criticism of the app!

I just thought that stacks would have a variable that I could access in the way that versions do - {File.Relations}, also the total number in a version set/stack must be stored somewhere, and I was just wondering whether that was accessible.

No problem. And definitely not requiring a feature request.


At the request of 'Jingo', I am attaching my layout files (as a zip file) for you to play around with. The layout in the above screen shot is the first on the list, '1 INFO'. Please note that since I first posted, I've found the variable that flags when a file has metadata to be written to, so now, instead of a pencil on the thumbnail, an asterisk appears before the file name on the top line. As soon as the metadata is written (I leave that on automatic) the asterisk disappears. Enjoy!


Thanks for sharing your File Window layouts.

File Window layouts are indeed a very powerful tool. Most users get by by using the default layouts I have provided. But there is a lot more that can be done.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thanks too, Stephen!

Here are the same thumbs, twice with layouts from here, and one with yours.
Exciting, what can be done with IMatch.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Thanks for that, Sinus. Although your layouts have far too many distractions for me to be useful. I find icons (especially very colourful icons) to be overwhelming. And I never use background colours - except for version stacks, which I show in black. It would be nice to include more information about stacks and versions, but when I asked for information as to where I could find the relevant data (total in stack/versions, the flag used to show a stack...), Mario became very defensive, so I just let it drop. 


QuoteMario became very defensive, so I just let it drop. 

Nope. Please read my post again and add a feature request. I was just about thinking adding some stack variables, but now I had a re-think and wait for a feature request. This way you can explain what you would from these variables etc. Please consider that a file can be in more than one stack or in a version stack and normal stacks combined. Your FR should consider that and tell us how you would like to handle this so the variables will be useful for you as well as the general audience.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: stephock on January 10, 2017, 12:33:08 PM
Thanks for that, Sinus. Although your layouts have far too many distractions for me to be useful. I find icons (especially very colourful icons) to be overwhelming. And I never use background colours - except for version stacks, which I show in black. It would be nice to include more information about stacks and versions, but when I asked for information as to where I could find the relevant data (total in stack/versions, the flag used to show a stack...), Mario became very defensive, so I just let it drop.

So everyone like he/she likes it. Makes IMatch cool  ;D

For me I want to see very quickly some informations. And this is for me (I made some tests) far quicker with icon than with text.
For a good vision, if I want see this, I use of course also other layouts.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: stephock on January 10, 2017, 12:33:08 PM
Thanks for that, Sinus. Although your layouts have far too many distractions for me to be useful. I find icons (especially very colourful icons) to be overwhelming. And I never use background colours - except for version stacks, which I show in black. It would be nice to include more information about stacks and versions, but when I asked for information as to where I could find the relevant data (total in stack/versions, the flag used to show a stack...), Mario became very defensive, so I just let it drop.

You comment make me think again.  ;D

I think, IMatch does offer first some native layouts, what is great.
Then it offers to the user, create own layouts, what is even greater.

Now, in my case, I use a DAM for managing and choosing images as quick as possible.
The visual impression is not that important, more important is, to see and understand as quick as possible the most important things of a thumb.

For visual and maybe presentation we use in IMatch the slideshow, the viewer and "Design & Print"- tool ... and of course sometimes also other window layouts with no or only 2-3 informations.

Don't get me wrong, your layout looks fine, well done and visually nice and relaxing. I like it really!

But for example I must see from a dozen or some hunderts of thumbs, say the size of a file.
As you can see, I use also a number for this, like you, like "4777 x 2856" (I found the point between numbers, what you have, is not necessary).
But then I have seen, it is hard to see the difference quickly, if you have a lot of thumbs.

Hence I added some icons, in this case, fruits.
Means, a pear is smaller as a melon, hence the melon is bigger. I use only 6 fruits, that is enough. I know very quickly, oh, a strawberry, a small image.
This, I think, works for us quick and fine.

The same is true for the format. I had it in the beginning like you, but after a time, to distinguish between hundrets of images, may brain worked not more.
Hence I displaced the pure (and stylish) text with bigger icons and found out, that I am much quicker to distinguish.

And a lot of icons I do "not see", if I am not after them. Like the left icon below the rabbit. Normally I do not use this, hence I (somehow) overview it.
But if I after this, I see it very quickly (this icon means, this image has a sidecar).

So I have some important icons for us (what are maybe completely useless for you), what helps me.
We have icons to see, if a thumb is stacked, if it metas are completed, if it has keywords, or if the bill is written.

And, also important for us, if it has keywords or not. This information is as numbers, but also as icons (a key in different directions and colors, to see, if we have a lot of keys, only a few or no keys).

I see, you have in your layout for example different colors for the labels.
You have it as text and additions colored in the label-color.

Well, why did you add the color?
It would be more stylish with always the same color.
But you added, I guess, colors, because you see much quicker, what the labe is, even before you have read the text. We can see, I think, colors, icons, images quicker then text.

But no doubt, if I look at your layout and see it only with "styled eyes", then your layout looks great and is for sure more "elegant" than mine.

And you did a lot of work in it did even uploaded it here, thanks a lot for this!

I will look into your layout more deeply, when I have more time and I will for sure use it or parts of it from time to time.
Thanks a lot!

... and BTW: great pictures!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Hi Marcus. Thanks for that. As you say, we all have our own way of using a DAM. You're right of course, I use coloured text for details to 'stand out', hence the coloured labels, but I still think that text is neater than icons... Also, the filter system works extremely well, and I can immediately get to what I want without resorting to searching through the icons. I do however use pins and flags, etc; but only when I'm working on the DAM content immediately after importing, and for that I use the 'WORK' display, which displays everything! My files are never flagged or pinned once I have finished working with them, and so it is redundant to display the icons.

As regards your comments on keywords (or categories), this morning I amended my displays so that the letter K is now followed by the number of keywords. If there are no keywords, it shows 'K0' but the colour is 'greyed-out' (easier to see!) so that this is immediately obvious. The same goes for G and V. I've also added ratings, 'Rn' or 'R0' (greyed out), I must admit that the 'V' for version is unnecessary, as this is shown elsewhere, however I'm leaving it in for now, in case I ever get around to requesting a variable from Mario that gives me the total number a files in a stack and he thinks it's worthwhile to put in the work and effort, in which case I'll display 'Vn', etc

I've attached a new file with the updates, in case you are interested.

Thanks for the comments about the pictures. I usually like to use people as my subjects, but on a recent trip home to England (I live in Brazil), we went to a bird sanctuary...



I have added a couple of new variables for the next release. These will be also helpful for users who already work with IMatch Anywhere.

See the release notes of the upcoming version for details.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on January 10, 2017, 07:24:23 PM
I have added a couple of new variables for the next release. These will be also helpful for users who already work with IMatch Anywhere.

See the release notes of the upcoming version for details.

Hey Mario.
cool!  :D Thanks a lot and thanks, Stephen, to pushed this ahead.
I am sure, this are cool variables!

And Stephen, thanks also for your very good informations and new layout!  ;D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Thanks Mario, I've had a look at the release notes, and those variables seem to be exactly what I was going to request! Great service and support!


QuoteGreat service and support!

Great. Please spread the word. Let others know about IMatch!
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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