Metadata write-back problem on "copyright"-info

Started by Canco, November 26, 2017, 05:52:43 PM

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I'm quite new in using iMatch so maybe this question is already asked in another topic, but I didn't found it and I've got 2 issues :

1. When I fill-in some metadata like "Headline" or "discription" and do a write-back with the pen, the copyrigth-info (like @yyyy name) disappears.
Then I have to fill-in the copyright-info and write it back to the file and then it's OK, but I don't think this is normal?
The copyright-info was added with "Adobe Bridge".

2. With ORF-files (Olympus) I can't change the copyright-info in the file, copyright-info that was added by the camera. I've got some files with "@name" and want to change this to "@ yyyy name"

Can someone help me?



Please don't post questions in the tips and ticks board. This board is for providing tips and tutorials to other users.
Every board has a description, so you know what to post where. If in doubt, post in general questions. I will move your post to the appropriate board.

This sounds like a problem caused by different and competing XMP Metadata.
Please upload one of the files which produces the problem (before you modified it in IMatch) so we can check what problem the metadata in the file has.
Also include the XMP sidecar file created by Bridge.

I guess that your ORF has an embedded XMP record and IMatch of courser reads this.
Bridge cannot and hence you may have one XMP record in the image file and another, with different data, in the XMP sidecar created by the Adobe tool.
See, for a similar problem, this post which is just a few days old.

Note: You need to upload in your cloud space or something. You can only attach files up to 2 MB here.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hello Mario,

Sorry, I posted it in the wrong place. I looked and read for several places but couldn't find this problem.
Will you let me know where you will move the question?

The RAF-files are quite large (about 33 MB) and I don't have cloud space.
How do I get the full files here if I can't attach them?Will something like "We transfer" work?



You can send the file to my support email:
Please include a link to this topic because I handle 50 emails per day.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Thanks for providing the sample files.
But I'm confused. I cannot see any problem.

1. The RAF
I select the .RAF file in the IMatch file window. It shows no copyright info.
I enter the text IMATCH-TEXT and click the pen icon.
The data is written into the XMP sidecar file (correct) and displayed in the IMatch Metadata Panel.
To make sure everything worked I force a refresh of the Metadata (unconditional reload) with Shift+Ctrl+F5. The copyright added by me stays.

2.  The ORF
It has the copyright notice embedded in the EXIF/IFD record:

[IFD0]          Copyright                       : Robert Van Bever

The XMP file you included has the same text in the XMP-dc:rights tag. This is correct.

In the Metadata Panel in IMatch I change your copyright notice to Robert Van Bever - updated with IMatch and then click the pen to write back.
IMatch updates both the copyright notice in the EXIF record in the image, which is now

[IFD0]          Copyright                       : Robert Van Bever - changed with IMatch

and also changes the XMP-dc:rights entry in the XMP record in the .XMP sidecar file:

[XMP-dc]        Rights                          : Robert Van Bever - changed with IMatch

This is the expected and perfect result.

Do you anything different?
Did you change the default metadata settings in any way?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thanks for the answer but iMatch behaves different with me for what concernes the .RAF files.

I sent you 3 screenshots, so you got a better idea from what happens.




I found how to solve the problem, when I work with templates, it's OK.
Just 1 little problem : the ©-sign changes in ? (question mark) on write-back.
"© 2017 Robert Van Bever" becomes "? 2017 Robert Van Bever"
Any solution for this?



Does your image contain legacy IPTC data with a non UTF-8 encoding. This would explain that.
In that case, delete the legacy IPTC data from your files. E.g., using the corresponding preset in the ExifTool command processor.
If your files have legacy IPTC data in ANSI/ASCII encoding, you are causing this problem.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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