Viewer's Text Overlay Inactive In Presence Of Folders (Long Names)

Started by Darius1968, January 31, 2018, 04:31:25 PM

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Suddenly, when I right-click (while in a folder that is described by many characters) an image, and select "Sent to Viewer", IMatch will not display the metadata of the image, in the text overlay.  This very same text overlay works fine for images that reside in other folders of lesser path lengths.  I'm attaching a sample image that poses as a problem, for your review. 


Which text do you show (show us your variables expression).
Which metadata does the file contain? Tip: Copy the expression into the VarToy App to see what the input is for the Viewer? Slide Show?


Well, as of now, I know what is causing the problem - the text length of my folder location, on my hard drive, is too long:  "E:\_01\_Backups\_201309 (C Drive)\00\_Family\Darius\_Interests\_Photography & Video\_Blake Rudis Tutorials\_Zone System Express\__Tech Support\"

I deduced this by simply copying one of the images in this folder, to another folder, with a shorter text length to describe the path. 

So, since I now know what is the cause, I still don't know why or what I can do to the display code to fix it.  Is there such a fix, or do I just have to accept that the length of the path cannot go above a certain limit? 


I don't see how the folder path can have any impact. I have much longer paths in my database.

I guess problem is caused because of the path length, your screen width and your variables.
The path cannot be wrapped into multiple lines (no blanks or -) and hence it may be rendered off screen.
Since you did not post your variable I cannot help in detail, but try to to add a replace:\==\<blank> to whatever variable you use for the path. The <blank> means a SPACE. This replaces \ with a \SPACE and this allows the markup to wrap into multiple lines.


My original line was this: 
<Run FontSize='14pt'>{File.FullName}</Run>

I updated that line to:
<Run FontSize='14pt'>{File.FullName|replace:\==\ }</Run>

It still has no effect. 


Do you mean the text overlay in the Viewer or the Slide Show?
I've tried both and I see the text overlays in both the Viewer and the Slide Show show OK.

I stored your image under

D:\data\__PERF-TEST\__MIX\_01\_Backups\_201309 (C Drive)\00\_Family\Darius\_Interests\_Photography & Video\_Blake Rudis Tutorials\_Zone System Express\__Tech Support\12018885353_b732963797_o.jpg

which is even longer than your path.


"I updated that line to:
<Run FontSize='14pt'>{File.FullName|replace:\==\ }</Run>

It still has no effect.  "

Simply, the update, with the replace parameter doesn't work for the viewer.  As far as the slide show mode goes, it works regardless of whether or not I have the "replace" parameter. 


What exactly do you do?

The Text Overlay in the Viewer uses the File WIndow Into Tip configuration. Did you change this?
You are not giving me sufficient information to work with...
If you have modified the File Window Info tip, copy the entire configuration into your reply.

I've already spent time with this, trying to reproduce this in the Viewer and the Slide show. It works here. Something must be different on your end.
Please provide sufficient details for me to reproduce the problem.


Only a question, Mario, could this not be related with the variable - xaml - stuff in the other two threads (1 of me), what you have changed a bit, if I am not wrong?

Sorry, only a guess.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I'm sorry, I wasn't more clear, when I started this thread.  This is all about the IMatch Viewer (I'm not even considering the Slide Show, at this point.), and as such, all of my configurations I've talked about here, are carried out via the "File Window Tip" tab of IMatch's Preferences Settings. 

What I do is I simply right-click an image thumbnail, selecting "Send to Viewer", in which I see the image fine, but somehow, this one directory (the one with the long string of text to describe its path) is preventing the info-popup from activating (Ordinarily, activating of the info-popup occurs when I move my cursor anywhere in the upper right-hand segment of the screen). 

Here, I'm attaching (as a Zip file) my File Window Tip (*.imfwt) file for your evaluation.  Thanks. 


I have loaded your Info Tip setup and then tested it with your file in the Viewer. The file name for my test is:

D:\data\__PERF-TEST\__MIX\_01\_Backups\_201309 (C Drive)\00\_Family\Darius\_Interests\_Photography & Video\_Blake Rudis Tutorials\_Zone System Express\__Tech Support\12018885353_b732963797_o.jpg

which is plenty. This is how it looks on my screen:

Not sure what could be different.

Screen resolution? DPI scaling? Maybe it shows with a smaller font size?
What "Width in Pixel" do you use for the Info tip?
Does the Info Tip show OK when you open it in the file window?


Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I've solved the problem!!!  Cutting to the chase, what I did: 

Remember, early on in this thread, I specified that the problem folder was here:
"E:\_01\_Backups\_201309 (C Drive)\00\_Family\Darius\_Interests\_Photography & Video\_Blake Rudis Tutorials\_Zone System Express\__Tech Support\"

All I had to do to get things working as they should was to change the leaf node "_Photography & Video" to "Photography And Video"!  So, as it turns out, the problem wasn't even about the number of text characters used to describe a folder path (I since proved this, seeing other files were fine elsewhere, in places that had even longer paths than here.), but rather, it was about Windows 10 and/or IMatch not liking the ampersand "&" character!  This is surprising though because your setup was tested with the ampersand too, but there wasn't any glitch on your end.  So, why would your end not care about the ampersand, while my end doesn't like/tolerate it? 


This has already been reported and fixed for the next release. Please see the release notes:, note 476.
Sorry, I did miss the & in your long path or I would have told you earlier.



btw: I mentioned xaml-problem somewhere above.  8)

good that it is solved.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)