Category structure to text file

Started by stonecherub, September 03, 2013, 05:49:38 PM

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Categories have revolutionized my image management and I have abandoned using keywords until I learn a lot more. Putting my volcano images into a category tree I call "Forms and Structures of Volcanic Rock (in Pinacate) - FSBR, I often add categories on the fly for features I had forgotten so that now my working category structure in IM5 is different from the old keyword plan.

Can you make (does there exist) a mechanism for "dumping" my category structure into a text file? When I dump it as an XML, it's a lot of work to remove the tags. 


There is no built-in export feature which exports the category names (with path) to a simple text file.
I don't think many users will ever have a need for this, and if, it can be written as a small script in a few minutes.

You can select multiple categories and use the Copy command (Ctrl+C) to copy them to the clipboard. IMatch will also copy the fully qualified path in the format Location|Beach|Hawaii as well. This allows you to paste the names into Notepad, for example.

You can select multiple categories via

Left-click first
<Shift>+Left-click last

(to select an entire range)


<Ctrl>+Left-click to pick up individual categories.

For example, when I select and Copy this:

and then paste into Notepad I get this:

Pretty cool  ;)

[attachment deleted by admin]
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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... and with Excel you can use data, text-files and use the |-sign as separator, then you can also filter the columns, or use Word and replace | with ^t (Tab) to get a more clearer overview.
