Strange writeback

Started by Carlo Didier, February 16, 2019, 10:46:41 PM

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Carlo Didier

I know that this is partly resolved for the next release, but there is one aspect that's new, at least to me.
Recently, any time I rename a file in iMatch I get the write-back-needed icon on the file (known, but unwanted behavior).
What is strange is that when I hover the mouse over the yellow pencil icon, it says it wants to write-back the PreservedFileName and the\cameraname
The first one is known, but why the cameraname??? It does this systematically on my PC on each rename.


This is also already solved for the next release. See #00760 in the release notes.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Both fixed for the next release already. Please see the release notes for all problems found and fixed.