Multiple Artwork or Objects in a photo

Started by Pawel, January 16, 2022, 10:34:26 PM

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How can I add information about multipile artwork or objects in a photo? IPTC "Artwork or Object" metadata is a structure and I can see I can add multiple structures of this type using Exiftool:

-artworkorobject=[{AOCopyrightNotice=CNO ZZZ,AOCreator=[Creator 1, Creator 2],AODateCreated=2014:01:04,AOSource=Source 8,AOSourceInvNo=SIN 8,AOTitle=Title 8}, {AOCopyrightNotice=CNO YYY,AOCreator=[Creator 3, Creator 4],AODateCreated=2014:01:04,AOSource=Source 9,AOSourceInvNo=SIN 9,AOTitle=Title 9}]

How can I achieve it using metadata templates, or reading information about artwork and objects from an IMatch attribute database?