Category Formula

Started by micmacmoe, December 19, 2019, 11:22:11 PM

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When i open the Formula in the categories, the  window that opens to configure the Formula is without any function. The window is visible but it is not accessible, the Formula can not be edit.
i have to say, i'm running the program on an other Computer, where i have no Problem with that issue.
Maybe there is some General Windows issue? any library missing???

i have the actual Version 2019.8.4 and an Windows 10 machine

Kind regards



Can you show us a screen shot of what you see?
I don't call a similar report ever.



Here is a Screenshot
The Formula window is not accessible,
Folders, Categories and Collections do not unfold.

i have started a new database, i reinstalled the program, but there is no Change.

Kind regards



Hi Michael,
I had this behaviour once. In my case, there were some pending Windows 10 updates which had been downloaded and installed in the background and were waiting for a reboot. After a reboot, everything worked as expected.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Rebooting the PC would also something I would do.
Also the IMatch log file may contain error messages or warnings useful to know.
Please follow the instructions on the page above and ZIP/attach the log to your reply.

Any other strange issues?
I find it puzzling the the Workflow categories report now images. No keywords in your database?


Yes this is strange, allthough it is a new database, it has over 60000 entries, that do not exist.
Anyway, on the same machine, but with another account, the program behaves normal. So i think, there is something with this account.

Thanks for your replies



Hello again

anyway, here is the logfile, Maybe there is something to be found

Kind regards



The database in this log file  (C:\Users\User\Documents\IMatch Database.imd5) reports 0 folders, 0 files and 27 categories. This cannot be right.

Note: If you store your database in a user-specific (!) folder, and you work with different user accounts, you will work with different databases. Because "C:\Users\User\Documents\..." is different for each user. This is a virtual folder in Windows that is named the same for all users, but stored in different physical folders.



In fact, this was an empty database, i wanted to check, if it was working.
I'm very sorry for enoying you, next time i'll have more Patience, the thing is: now it's working NORMAL again.

Sorry...... wish you a good Christmas 



You did not annoy me.
This community is for asking questions and finding answers.

Strange things happen with computers all the time.
Let us know if you run into problems again.

A Merry Christmas to you and your family.