GPS data problem

Started by erichaas, February 11, 2020, 01:19:34 AM

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I have a large number of photos where the longitude is positive (east), when it should be negative (west). Is there an easy way to fix this problem?

I tried using Metadata Mechanic to Prepend a - to XMP::exif\GPSLongitude\GPSLongitude\0, but when I try that on some test photos, the longitude data just disappears.


Last summer there was a bug in ExifTool (which IMatch uses) that caused this problem.  If you search the forum you should be able to find a thread where Mario explains how to fix it.

Here's the way I did it back then.
Using the IMatch Filter panel I created a filter that showed the problem images.  That allowed me to isolate them temporarily.

Next I selected the problem images and used the ExifTool Command processor (F9,E) to change east back to west.

See attached screenshots.

Below are the ExifTool Command Processor arguments I used.

# im-warn
# Note I may need to force writeback metadata
# to the selected images after running this command
# before I'll see the changes.


Thanks, I'll give that a try.