IMatch Events (Filter Panels & Original Scope Vs Search-Bar-Filtered Scope)

Started by Darius1968, January 12, 2021, 10:40:03 AM

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So, I'm in Category View, and I click on a category - Shoes - that has 13 IMatch Events.  Accordingly, all 13 of these Events show up in the Events Filter Panel.  I now enter "NOT nelson" into the Search Bar to filter out any file that has "nelson" in any of its metadata.  The result:  The IMatch File Window indeed does prohibit the display of any and all files, for which there is "nelson" anywhere, in any of the metadata.  However, all 13 of the IMatch Events are still enumerated in the Events Filter Panel, which is wrong because I have requested via the Search Bar that I'm not interested in any Events, to which "nelson" applies.  How can I achieve my goal? 


The Event filter does not respond to the search term you enter into the File Window search bar.
You can filter by events directly in the Event Filter.


I tried filtering from within the Events Filter itself, however, its search engine - at least on my setup - doesn't support the ability to search multi-terms, or to exclude, as well as include terms, at the same time.  Is this by design, or have I overlooked something? 


It does not. Events are simple, just search for the title or category in the Event Filter.