Visualization improvements

Started by javiavid, April 07, 2021, 08:24:26 PM

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Offline mode is a very useful function of DAM software and I think with some small changes it would be more useful in Imatch. One of these functions is to use only the database without cache as a temporary visualization, gaining speed, disk space and comfort. You just have to transport / synchronize 1 file.

To get a good experience it would be good to improve the inconsistencies at the Quick View and the Viewer. Attached table.

I think it would be very interesting to unify the visualization of images and videos to have a better experience in Imatch.

I propose an option in preferences so that both the Quick View and the Viewer show the same regardless of whether it is an image or video.

Also there are currently 3 viewing options, original files (jpeg without cache), cache and thumbnails.
It would be interesting that the program will automatically show the best quality you have for each image. By order of quality: original, cache and thumbnail.

If this is not possible for performance, I propose an option in preferences to be able to choose it manually. So when you are without the original and without cooking average, you can visualize in the Quick View and in the Viewer (enlarged) the image and you can continue to catalog.

(The MCI option in the table refers to the Preferences\Application\Quick View\Use MCI VIdeo Player option)