File relations questions

Started by frankdarwin, January 09, 2022, 10:41:01 PM

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I need to look more deeply into file relationships.
For this I have created a test database with selected photos.
To test the file relations I have made my settings in the Preferences -> File Relations (see attachment "file relations.definitions.jpg".

After running the command "Refresh Relations", I see thump nails of images (.nef and .jpg) in the file window without an icon indicating master or version (see attachment "file window.jpg").

I ran a rescan of the directory with all options.

The Var Toy shows the relationship (see attachment "Var Toy.jpg").

What am I doing wrong?


Quote from: frankdarwin on January 09, 2022, 10:41:01 PM
I need to look more deeply into file relationships.

After running the command "Refresh Relations", I see thump nails of images (.nef and .jpg) in the file window without an icon indicating master or version (see attachment "file window.jpg").
The Var Toy shows the relationship (see attachment "Var Toy.jpg").

What am I doing wrong?

That's a buddy file. The jpg will go along with the nef if you move/rename it.

Its NOT a master or a version; check the rules for those further down and what those rules do(eg metadata propagation).


Yes, David is correct.
Buddy Files are not the same like versions.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I recommend to start with Relation Concepts before setting up buddy files or versions.