Portuguese translation

Started by zematima, March 03, 2014, 05:46:28 PM

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Hi Mario:
Are you interested in a Portuguese (not Brasilian) translation?
If so let me know.
Best regards.


Hi, zematima

sure. But I don't know how large the market in Portugal is for IMatch and if it's worth the effort    

The initial translation of IMatch is quite a lot of work and should be tackled by at least two translators.
Maybe some of the other translators can comment on much time they have invested while translating IMatch.


Hi Mario:
Thanks for your answer.
Now I have IMatch 5 installed.
I see that all the menus are in Portuguese.
You have some little bugs in the context of the right click of the mouse (maybe a new improvement that didn't exist in previous versions).
For instance when you right click a photo the last option "Create category from selection" is in English while all the others are in Portuguese.
The idea is translate the menus and the Help guide?
By the way great job with this new version.


Currently Jaime Ramos is doing the Portuguese translation. I'm sure he will welcome a second translator, for double-checking etc.

Please contact me via my support email for details.
Include your forum user name in your email so I can find your account.

Quote"Create category from selection" is

This is just a sample script which demonstrates how users can link in their scripts into IMatch menus.
The ability to translate script names (and menu entries) into multiple languages has been added, but is not part of the regular IMatch 5 translation track.
You can send me the translation for that text and I will add it to the .BAIX file.
To check it out, try it for yourself:

The file to edit is

C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch5\scripts\system\Advanced Samples\Create Category from Selection\Create Category from Selection.baix

I have attached the current version of the file, which has translations for German and Italian already. This shows you how to do it.
Please add your translations and  send me the file back with your email. You can replace the file with the same name on your computer to see your translation at work (restart of IMatch required).

[attachment deleted by admin]


Private mail sended.
Best regards.