Restricting Version Master Rules to Certain Subfolder

Started by anmue, October 31, 2013, 09:59:05 PM

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Hi Mario,

I use two different subtrees for storing my original images from the camera and the edited files derived from them. Its like:

+-- Originals
|       +--2010
|         ...
+-- Edits
       +-- 2010

Edited images start with the same name as the original and have then a suffix added. So the regexes are pretty simple and I defined a version rule, which associates the .nef files in \Originals to the edited files in \Edits. But sometimes I copy an original .nef to the other tree (\Edits) for convenience and I don't want to have these copies as master of a version stack. I only want to have the files in the \Originals tree as masters.

Is it possible to restrict the master expression to a specific folder or subtree? If not, wouldn't it be a nice feature?

Regards, Andreas.


I don't use stacks, only versions. For versions there is no problem. I have the NEF in a subfolder and copies of these NEF in another sub-folder. Each of these NEF folders has JPG subfolders, the NEF are masters for the JPG versions.

The versioning system keeps these NEF masters separate = the NEF in sub-folder A are not master for the NEF in sub-folder B, only for the JPG in sub-folders to A.

In your versioning rules did you set "where to search" to Master folder?
