How to run repair of iMatch

Started by Jim K., November 29, 2023, 04:36:22 PM

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Jim K.

Under IMatch Scripting and Apps I found this App: Python APP - Add Timezone Offset, which I found interesting.
My intension was just to see how one can access exif data with an external (Python) program, but – stupid me – instead to open for reading I executed by double click on the py-file.

Now I get an error message (and it is just assuming that it has to do with executing the app) when starting iMatch saying
->    problem running Exif-Tool; Run a repair of iMatch via Windows control panel.

I have opened Windows control panel ("Systemsteuerung"(?)):  for the entry iMatch only deinstall is available, no repair.  So how to run repair of iMatch?

Thank's for your help in advance.


Just install the latest version of IMatch (again), which will re-install anything but keep your settings and databases unmodified.

The error message you see is usually caused by a virus checker blocking ExifTool or moving ExifTool into quarantine.
You did not include the log file of this session (log file) so I cannot tell if ExifTool still exists or just does not run anymore.

Note that I neither look at, test or endorse scripts written by users.
Always be careful and check the source code before running an app or script posted there.

I don't see how running a Python script could do anything with ExifTool, unless it runs ExifTool in some way, and that triggered your virus checker.

Jim K.

After re-installing and rebooting iMatch runs fine again.
Thank's for your help.