Better visual differentiation of collection in the File Window

Started by sinus, September 23, 2015, 09:59:40 AM

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Hi all
This is a feature request, what is for me clarely NOT important, but would be a nice enhancement.

I am in the File Window with the default layout.
Then I have enabled different collections like dots, flags and pins.

Now I can choose in the Layout settings, if the thumb should be streched or not.
Streched of course gives a bigger thumb.
I would prefere a streched thumb.

But if I choose a streched thumb, then some collections "flows" into the thumb and depending of the collection, they are then not more so good visible (depending of the colors of the thumb).

You can see this in attachement 1, the upper thumbs are streched, the thumbs below not. The icons of the collections are clearly better visible in the "non-streched-version".

I would wish, that the collections-icons would be better visible, when the thumb is streched.
To be honest, I do not exactly know, how.

the collections could be not so deep, means more against the upper border (maybe even so, that the text (filename) and the format in this example would have a smaller area), look here attachement 2. This would also not affect vertical thumbs.

-Or maye a kind of dimming the collections, like we have already (see attachement 3), but stronger

-Or another possibility, what I do not know

I want again stress, that this is not important, Mario, only if you could imagine something like this and you know a way, what would give not that much work (I know, changing the helpfile and so on...), and maybe if you are have nothing to do  ;D or you are anyway working on this (design)-area.

I have simply overlooked this morning some thumbs, what I had not spotted, because the pins had a bit the same color like the thumbs. But this is of course simply a kind of design and visability.

And luckily with IMatch we have such a choice (streched or not),  :D in other DAMs it is, like it is.  >:(

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


The option to keep the thumbnail outside the area allocated for collection and other icons (stretch = off) is designed to avoid exactly that.
If you stretch the thumbnail it will interfere at least with some of the icons, unless I would do something really drastic, like drawing a dark rectangle around each icon. Only then it would be guaranteed that no image color interferes with the icon colors. But then it would be mostly like not letting the thumbnail stretch at all.

I suggest you make your panels a few pixels wider and disable the stretch. This gives you the same thumbnail size and clearly visible icons. Maybe you get one thumbnail less per row...but that's what big monitors are for  ;D
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)