ECP Question

Started by Erik, May 23, 2014, 04:56:06 PM

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I'm hoping someone, Ferdinand perhaps, can answer this question.

I'm learning the use the ECP to fix some messed up tags from years of different software doing different things without my knowledge, coupled with some slight misuse of a script or two in IM3.  The ECP provides an opportunity to provide one time fixes for some of these items, but I'm struggling a bit with the format the ECP needs for input.

I have a Exiftool command line like this:

exiftool "-HierarchicalSubject<${HierarchicalSubject;s/(^|, )[^,|]+//g;s/^, //}" -sep ", " FILE

I want to put it into the ECP format (if possible).  THe problem (I think) I'm having is dealing with the portion after the initial -HierarchicalSubject.  I've tried something like:

${HierarchicalSubject;s/(^|, )[^,|]+//g;s/^, //}
', '

But that formatting doesn't work here, and I can't find much on utilizing advanced formatting here or with respect to arg files on the ExifTool forums or website.  My guess is the { } confuses imatch as it uses it for internal variables such as the {File.FullName}, while Exiftool uses those for Perl operations.

1. Is there something I'm missing?
2. Is what I want to do not possible?  I know I could do what I want using a script, but thought I'd try to take advantage of the ECP if possible, and am hoping there is a simple solution.
3. Does anyone know of a resource that explains a bit more how arg files work with ExifTool? I'm not having a lot of luck finding much guidance on Phil's website, yet.




I'll take a closer look when I have time, but I think it's way beyond me.   :o


That's ok...  I'll keep looking into it.

I figured if anyone may have used anything like that, it might be you.

As an aside, I'm seeing now that my fault maybe in trying to keep with ExifTool syntax fully.  What I think I need to do is figure out how to use RegEx to format my IM5 variable to what I want.  AND, if I could figure that out, I could probably use a Metadata Template to do what I need rather than the ECP.

There is almost too much power in IM.  I could also just use a script to pass the EXIFTool command line I have, but the challenge is making me learn a few new things to their fullest extent.