Rename and copy sort profiles

Started by meyersoft, May 09, 2014, 02:32:35 PM

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This feature request is related to this discussion.
Some of my generated sort profile names are too long to be properly displayed in the dropdown list when not opened.

So for future sort profiles, I will restrict the names.

Unfortunately, I cannot do this for existing sort profiles: I can neither copy nor rename them.
Maybe this could be a nice feature to add.


I vote +1 in favour of your main point here meyersoft, namely to have some way please of renaming and/or duplicating our already-crafted Profile names.

But I'd like also to amplify the 'secondary' point you make here, namely the fixed and so far unchangeable widths of the elements in the Caption bar (and those widths were in fact the main point of your post in the General Discussion thread to which you refer above...).

Please, in some later version, allow us also to adjust the widths of the elements in the Caption bar.

In that General Discussion thread, Mario explained that (roughly paraphrased) "in their current version, the development components used for these parts of the IMatch program make it infeasible to offer adjustable Caption Bar elements ...", so I admit that my own plea here to add emphasis to that other part of your Request meyersoft, is an optimistic one for now.

Colin P.


Yes!  At this very moment, I'm finding myself in need of renaming a sort preset.  I have a sort preset called "Bitrate" that I created sometime ago to sort my mp3s.  Now I want to sort on the year, but it has occurred that the name of this preset is too specific.  I need to rename it to mp3s, maybe.  :-)