location categories

Started by kirk, October 25, 2014, 04:09:15 PM

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Is it possible to build a kind of gps location categories automatically.  Like ones based on camera models and optics .   A kind of groups based on close gps data with a kind of radius probably? 200 meters for example ?

Or maybe just a simple method to select multiple photos taken around some point on the map?


IMatch comes with a standard Location data-driven category (IMatch Sample Categories > Images) which groups files by country, city and location. This usually is sufficient to find all files taken at a certain spot.

You can use the GPS filter to find all files located within a given radius of another file. See the GPS filter help topic for details.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Thanks, GPS filter is working. It's basicaly what I need.   Although default  Location  category shows zero files and I have just added  4000 of them in my new base.    All with geotags but taken withing 5x5km area approximately.
  Maybe it's not enough  for groups to be automatically created  ?

ps.  Looks like the grouping is by some uncertain  country tag, I changed it to GPS position and it created a lot of separate categories, one  for each file.    Is it possible to do so with "maximum distance" like in gps filter ?


The Location sample category assumes that you've assigned Country, State and City first. You may need to reverse geocode your files with GPS data first.

If you change the tag for the top Location category from Country to GPS coordinates,  IMatch will create a category for each separate GPS location - probably not what you want!


oh. thanks for making it clear


You can reverse geo-code your files (looking up Country, City, Location from the GPS coordinates) from the Tools menu.
You can also enable automatic reverse-geocoding for the Map Panel and other geo-related options under Edit > Preferences > Geo & Maps. See the IMatch help on these options for details.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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