Show us your workspaces

Started by sinus, November 20, 2014, 10:31:40 AM

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Hi all
I think, the choosen workspace can be a bit clumpsy or slow (if we have a lot of things open) or very clever.
IMatch offers us a lot of different workspaces and allows us also, to arrange our monitor, as we like.

At the beginning I was very unsure, what is the best for me, but now I have found one, what is fine for me (at the moment).
But ideas from others are always welcome.

Hence I thougth, if you would upload your workspace, this gives others some ideas to for the own arrangement on the monitor.

OK, I have the luxury to have two monitors (would not want miss this again, and it is easy and nowadays not that expensive), hence I show you my workspace on two monitors (in one attachement).

At the top is my left and monitor with the thumbs.
In the middle and at the bottom, they are my right monitor. The middle shows the normal working monitor, like entering keywords and metadata.
At the bottom I have a small strip, where the quick-view ist "hidden". So I can quickly click on it to have the quick-view on the rigth monitor.

And there again, I have above 3 strips to click for example on the metadata-panel to enter some text.

This works fine for me, but maybe I can be inspired by one of your ideas, hence if you like, would be nice, if you could upload your "solution".

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Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)