Multi Key Shortcuts

Started by Lord_Helmchen, December 26, 2014, 03:04:20 PM

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Shall Multi Key Shortcuts be introduced for Favorits?

No, one character is sufficient for me.
5 (50%)
Yes, two characters would be appreciated (one character still possible).
5 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 10


As discussed in another thread (, I'd like to have the option of Multi Key Shortcuts for favorites.

I'd like to speed-up category assignments by using keyboard short cuts. But as I'm also getting older, I don't like to remember "randomly" chosen short cuts, I'l like to have them "structured".

As example, I have the following categories:

So with current scheme (only one character) I have to decide what <F3><G> will become - and how I assign others.

My proposal is not to allow up to two characters for short cuts (but one still possible - of course "blocking" this character for two key short cuts). So that I could use a structured way to assign short cuts.

CG Country|Germany
CU Country|USA
AG Animal|Goose
PG Person|George
PU Person|Uwe

Of course there will still be some "collisions", but much less than now.


Thanks for this feature request!

I love using the keyboard and I even use a program (HotkeyP)
to remap keyboard shortcuts to my liking or invent new ones  :D

So to me it is not a big problem that iMatch does not allow to define
own shortcuts (with the exception for favorites) - I just use HotkeyP.

BUT this way it is not possible to define key sequences which
would be brilliant to generate memorable shortcuts
(e.g. for all those important categories, keywords).


Exactly. The theoretical number of short cuts (with Ctrl, Shift or Alt) are sufficient, but I won't memorize, and so won't use them.


Like Lord_Helmchen, I rarely trust my memory to remember more than a few shortcuts, and even more rarely the multi-key ones, so the available key permutations are enough for me ... at present.
Colin P.


Colin, probably I was not clear enough.  :-[

I couldn't remember "randomly" assigned shortcuts like F3-Ctrl-G for Germany and F3-Alt-G for Goose.

But I could remember things in a structured way like F3-C-G for Country Germany and F3-A-G for Animal Goose.

I think with this way, a few dozen of "standard assignments" would be pretty easy to remember.

I hope now its clearer what I meant.


Ah! I see now what you meant in your follow-up note! And - silly me - I hadn't spotted that the original Poll was yours too, sorry!

Yes, to have the flexibility to be able to devise structured or mnemonic-like key sequences would be a definite bonus, for sure.

But I fear that - for me - even with those extra (hoped-for) key-patterns I'd still be glancing around my desk hoping to spot the 'hot-key-reminder chart' that I would certainly have chosen to print  :P rather than trusting my recall ...

(So, not a big issue for me either way, but I opted to add weight to the Poll overall by coming 'off the fence', so to speak, and adding a vote.)

Cheers again,
Colin P.