searching for xmp::dc\rights\rights tag?

Started by Lincoln, September 19, 2015, 04:28:12 AM

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The answer to this is staring me straight in the face but for the life of me I can't find the tag xmp::dc\rights\rights when editing meta data templates.
I can see the tag xmp::dc\Creator in the existing example of "Set Copyright Info" but when I select Add and look for the xmp::dc section which should be between xmp::creatorAtom and xmp::dex.
assuming that I am actually in the right section.
Many thanks if you can point me in the right direction!

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The name for this tag is Copyright (IMatch uses the localized tag names for display and search, as delivered by ExifTool).
You can just use the Copyright standard  tag to get this tag.


Thanks Mario
Knew it was looking me in the face!!!!


I was also momentarily puzzled.
But the reason I created the 'Standard Tags' was to overcome such issues. I used the MWG names where possible, else looking at how Adobe renamed the tags in their applications to make this as easy as possible. Although Adobe names tags in their very own XMP documents differently from how they name them in their applications - and sometimes different in different applications...