Issues with text when copyright symbol is present in batch processor.

Started by Aubrey, March 09, 2016, 03:31:13 PM

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When I use the following "Aubrey XXXXXXX" in my image when batch processing I get the correct text written.
See without_copyright.jpg
When I add the copyright symbol "© Aubrey XXXXXX" then the copyright symbol is lost and the name is simply XXXXX.
See with_copyright.jpg
See also batch processing setup BatchProcessor.jpg
On previous versions of IMatch this worked OK. Have there been changes to the batch processing code?


[attachment deleted by admin]


I have tried to repro this, but here it works. No problems with ©, Japanese or other non-standard characters.

How did you enter the © ?
Any special settings for the text overlay?

Here a test output:

[attachment deleted by admin]
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I am using a copyright symbol generated inside of M.soft Word and then pasted into the text overlay.

With the knowledge that it was just my setup I investigated further...
I created a new preset this worked fine. I then went back to the Preset that was giving trouble, this is now OK.
The new Preset was deleted, still everything worked fine.

Some gremlin in my setup that has disappeared.
Thanks for assistance.



An update and resolution for anybody  who might have been following this thread:

I experience issues when I input my full name, being Irish it has an apostrophe in the surname, I do wonder if this might be part of the issue of the incorrect formatting. There were issues on the font used and whether italics or normal etc. I spent an amount of time trying to understand, but very little was repeatable. Sometimes part of name was missing, sometimes I would get line wrapping. e.g., on an occasion "© Aubrey O'callxxx" worked OK, but © Aubrey O'Callxx (uppercase C) did not work!

I was originally  trying to input: © Aubrey O'Calxxxxx
When I removed spaces all worked fine

Therefore my solution was to remove all spaces and then for each space use the XAML markup function   to create a space. This markup is usually used when one requires multiple spaces.

My format is now © Aubrey O'Calxxxx

With this format everything works fine, I can use the font button to define fonts and size without line wrapping or missing text.


Very mysterious. I used

© Aubrey O'Callahan & Seamus O'Malley

to render this:

[attachment deleted by admin]
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I have uninstalled IMatch.
Made sure that  c:\ProgramData\  and C:\Program Files (x86)\ was removed.

Installed clean Imatch (5.6.18)

Created new database. Added 1 image
Used Email (1280, JPEG) for batch export.

I obtained the  © by copying and pasting from MS word added my name and checked in preview.
See Test1_input.jpg and Test1_output.jpg We can see that name is spread over 2 lines

I then removed all spaces Test2.jpg (I have overlaid input on this file as we have seen detail in Test1_input.jpg)

Added space between © and name,  again 2 lines appear.

I checked on the font. The font being used is Tahoma 12 pt. This is what I was using before the re-installation. As this is not a common font, I suspect that there is something residual in the registry? So perhaps my clean installation is not completely clean.

As I said earlier in the thread I've found a work around I am satisfied with it.

Do you want to investigate further... I'm happy with my w.around. If you want to go further then what files would you like.


PS: further check without the copyright - still using 2 lines

[attachment deleted by admin]


Pasting data from Word that way may cause 'strange' characters to be used, or characters which may cause problems in XAML markup.
Try to first paste into Windows Notepad, and then copy from there into the clipboard again and then into the edit field in IMatch.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I think I have cracked the issue. It is font related.
I have been using Tahoma and this is giving the problem.
When I use Calibri Regular the test comes out correctly.
Arial Regular OK!
Arial Narrow gives problems

Where the font is giving problems, if one replaces the space with   then the font prints correctly.

Perhaps you can now reproduce this on your system.



If it is font-related, I cannot do anything at all. Maybe the characters you use are not in the font or something.
I used Tahoma for my test and the text shows. The only thing I noticed is that the font kerning seems to be off, which means that the XAML library calculates the font extents wrong... and this may break the text in two rows. But the text shows allright if you leave it enough space. May be a problem in the Tahoma kerning or in the XAML library, which is 3rd party. I can bring that to their attention but expect 3 to 6 months for a bug fix, if it is a bug in their library.
-- Mario
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Your last mail prompted me to further investigate Tahoma... it is working for you. I had been using 12 pt. with Tahoma
My findings are interesting. I'm initially using the words "Aubrey Tester" (no quotes), changed as I investigate.
I'm assuming font size is in pt. The units being used in the test in batch processor are pixels.

When I use:

Aubrey Tester Tahoma Bold     14  OK         (My full name also worked OK in 14 pt font, but 2 lines with 12 pt)
Aubrey Tester Tahoma Regular 14 2 lines
ubrey Tester   Tahoma Regular 14 OK         (note missing A)
A Tester          Tahoma Regular 14 2 lines
A Tester          Tahoma Bold      14 2 lines
Aubrey Tester Tahoma Bold      14 OK         (repeat test)
A Tester          Tahoma Bold      14 2 lines
A tester          Tahoma Regular  14 OK        (lower case t)
A Tester          Tahoma Regular  16 OK        (font size increased)

I think it may well be a kerning issue, but rather difficult to track down if its only appearing on my machine.

My thoughts are that if I'm the only person with this issue then we move on...(life is too short!) I know how to get around the problem using the "hard space"  

The findings are documented here if somebody else has a similar issue and the discussion could be reopened.

Thank you for your feedback and discussion on the issue.



Set the background color for the text to #ff0000 and 64 opacity. Then you can see the 'box' the text is creating.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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