Relocate - new feature difficulty getting it to work

Started by Aubrey, December 14, 2016, 10:36:06 AM

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I cannot get target computer to relocate database from primary computer.

I copy database from primary computer to target computer.

My database resides on primary computer E:\processed images
and also on NAS \\mybooklive\public\processed images (this is effectively one of my back up copies)

Target computer cannot see E:\processed images
Target computer can see \\mybooklive\public\processed images

Initially tried testing in full database but when I had issues I made a small test database that uses only one folder of main database.

My relocation command on primary computer is (relocate.jpg) (this appears correctly in target computer database):
E:\Processed Images\2016\1602 Feb -> \\MYBOOKLIVE\Public\Processed images\2016\1602 Feb

In the debug log file (attached) I think the following 3 lines are important:
12.14 11:15:18+    0 [1F10] 02  I>         DB-PORTA: Processing 1 auto-relocation entries.
12.14 11:15:18+    0 [1F10] 02  I>         DB-PORTA: 'E:\Processed Images\2016\1602 Feb' => '\\MYBOOKLIVE\Public\Processed images\2016\1602 Feb'
12.14 11:15:18+   62 [1F10] 01  W>         DB-PORTA: Relocation source E:\Processed Images\2016\1602 Feb not found in database.  'IMEngine5.cpp(3631)'
12.14 11:15:18+    0 [1F10] 00  M>     <  4 [62ms] CIMEngine5::ProcessMachineConfig

What does the comment:
"Relocation source E:\Processed Images\2016\1602 Feb not found in database" mean?

If I do a manual relocate using exactly the same commands described above, the relocation takes place. (RelocateManual.jpg)

Am I doing something incorrectly?



When applying your relocation rules, IMatch cannot find your source folder in the database.
Make sure it is written correctly.
This is basically a string compare so check for extra spaces, case etc.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Still no joy....

I tried a different target computer. This has a copy of all files on drive H:\processed images.
Primary computer has E:\processed images

This time I asked for simply disk relocation. (RelocateDisk.jpg)

12.14 14:54:30+    0 [274C] 05  M>       <  6 CIMEngineMachineConfig::Load
12.14 14:54:30+    0 [274C] 02  I>          DB-PORTA: Processing 1 auto-relocation entries.
12.14 14:54:30+    0 [274C] 02  I>          DB-PORTA: 'E:\' => 'H:\'
12.14 14:54:30+    0 [274C] 02  I>          DB-PORTA: 0 top-level folders found for drive E:\

However the disk is unchanged (see DiskUnchanged.jpg), but no error appears in log file.

Log file attached.

Remember I'm using the new feature discussed in:

Where the relocation is specified on primary computer. The target computer should then read and apply the relocation.



Your relocation rule tells IMatch to relocate the drive E: to H:
IMatch could not find any folder for drive E:\

Do you apply your rules on the correct computer? (machine name)?

Have you created separate relocation rules for both computers?

I use this feature all the time to automatically relocate databases when I update them to my IMatch Anywhere server, and it works like a charm.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


It's now running...
Goodness only knows what I was doing wrong.



-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook