Display .Mov Duration in the Layout

Started by kiwilink, September 12, 2017, 06:54:55 PM

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I decided to go thru my 88,000 image database and extract all the .Mov files and create a IMATCH database for the 3,000 movies (.Mov) files I have.  I wanted to use one of my Layouts to display the movie duration in my file window.  I have been unable to get it to display even though I see it using the EXIFTool.  Is there something I am doing wrong or is it possible to display the duration of the .Mov file using my custom layout?



P.S.  I don't see the duration in the Metadata panel

Please see the attachments of what I see, my Layout, The EXIFTool output, and the Metadata panel.


I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do.

Does the tag show up in the Browser layout in the Metadata Panel?
This shows all tags IMatch has imported.
Maybe you need to use the Tag Manager to enable additional tags?
IMatch does not import data for rarely used by default.

Why don't you use the special Duration file window layout Attribute that IMatch maintains across all movie formats?
This attribute is filled by IMatch when it analyses the actual movie file, not from the sometimes unreliable or wrong metadata.
There is also a corresponding variable of course.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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What I was trying to do was look at 30 files at a time in my file window and see the thumbnail with info about my .Mov file (like duration) see attachment 2).  I looked in my Tag Manager and I have it checked for Quicktime (duration).  See attached screencapture.

Is there a reason I can't display duration using my layout since it is imported by IMATCH?



Can you further explain your last paragraph about the window layout attribute (duration)?


Did you try your variable in the VarToy app? Does it have content?
You are addressing a specific Quicktime tag variant ("\4") which may not be filled for all files.

Tip: If the data shows in the MD Panel Browser, use the "Copy as Variable" command to get the correct variable for the tag.

Again: Why don't you use the Duration Attribute or the Duration variable, which exists for exactly this purpose?

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thanks for the reply.  Well, I think I have hit my wall of expertise with IMATCH.  I am reading the manualand looking at previous posts to try and see how to do this.  I have never used VarToy so I am studying this to try and figure it out.  In your last sentence you asked why I don't use the Duration Attribute or the Duration variable.  I'm trying to figure this out too.  Please see my attachment.  Is this the place you are suggesting I go to use the Duration variable?




Just try using the Duration Variable.

Here in the VarToy. Which is a powerful tool to test variables.

If you use this in your layout it should work as well.

File Window layouts support two attributes named duration which allow you to directly display the file duration in seconds or standard time format:

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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OK!  Great!  I think I got it.  First time I used this.  I did read the manual and was trying it when you responded.  I did use the {File.Duration} and it came back as a single integer of 6 and not 6.77 (which is what I got back from VarToy).

See attachment.  Is it supposed to give me the .77 also?

Thanks for all of the help.  I really appreciate it a lot!



1. Change from [empty item] to Custom Template if you use variables.
2. Use the Duration Attribute.

When I use {File.Duration} I get digits:

(Standard German number format, two decimal places)

Variables are formatted using your local number format. Do you have set a Windows number format without digits?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Ops .... I forgot to choose Custom!

Thanks soooo much for the help.  It looks great now!!!!



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