Pics placed at wrong date in Timeline

Started by Gerd, September 05, 2013, 11:16:01 PM

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I have found some pics (at moment 90), that are not correct placed in the Timeline-view. During working on the pics (before added into IM5), they lost their Exif/Meta-data, maybe I removed them. During adding into IM5 these pics got new dates: 2013-08-18, don't know, what I have done on that date, maybe importing categories.

If I want to see them correct placed in IM5-Timeline, which date-field I have to set to the correct data (I know the correct dates) and which steps I have to do?


P.S. Found it: Metadata-Default-Core Data: Date Created


IMatch uses a rather complicated method to find a usable date for the time line.

Please see the IMatch help file. Open the Technical Reference Section in the Table of Contents, and there click on File Date and Time.

If a file contains no usable date, IMatch uses the date created or last modified on disk date.

To solve this problem, add an EXIF date/time original to your files. You can do that via the Metadata Panel or via the Commands > Image > Modify Date and Time command.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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