Duplicate entry when importing thesaurus from database

Started by dcb, April 06, 2018, 04:25:12 AM

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I've finally come to understand the power of IMatch's central thesaurus.  :) :) However, as I transfer things around I'm getting a duplicate on some entries, but not others. ??? ???

If you look at the screen shot, Activity is a child of [WHAT] and my understanding is that it should show up at the top level of @Keywords because [WHAT] is ignored as a grouping item. And that is what I see with Activity and other keywords under [WHAT] such as Nature and Location.

But when I import from the database to update the thesaurus with changes, I get a second Activity category created. The import seems to ignore the [WHAT] grouping in the thesaurus. As I said, categories such as Nature and [WHERE]|Location don't behave this way. On a second import from the database, Activity is populated with all the children.

Additionally Apple TV slideshow and Insurance as children of [WHY] do the same thing.

I've tried creating a new category with different names, reassigning children and then doing the import but it still all comes back to the same thing. I've included the thesaurus as well (WHERE pulled out for privacy and some of it is still in migration from the old system to the new).

All I can think of is that at one point I had both @Keywords|activity and @Keywords|activity. Yet, creating a completely new parent should have eliminated any problem here.

Have you backed up your photos today?


The ability to import your existing keywords into the thesaurus is an easy feature to get you started. And rarely used, in my experience.
It is not very sophisticated and it does not apply all the rules you have configured to be applied when assigning keywords from the thesaurus to your files. This does not work in reverse!
I recommend you use this only as the first step, then make changes to your thesaurus directly.

PS: I will move your post into the appropriate board this time.
The Tutorials, Tips & Tricks board is not for asking questions, but for posting tips & tricks and tutorials.


Thanks Mario. I've been moving from the older 3.5 style system with a heavy reliance on categories to keywords. Love what what I can do now. Much much faster. As such, there has been a bit of import, change, test, import etc going on. I'm nearly there so will restrain myself from importing into the universal thesaurus as much and never once I have it settled down.

Sorry for posting in the wrong group. I had actually intended the post for the metadata sub-group. Must have clicked something else in between.
Have you backed up your photos today?


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