Keyword history

Started by KimAbel, September 16, 2013, 10:19:22 AM

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I see that the keyword panel has a "history" function in the "recent", "Top 50", "Favourites", "Suggestions". What I miss is a function that lists the recent keywords based on the main keyword I am typing. As it is now all the synonyms will also show up in this list, and in my case the list will become to large to make it useful. It would be great if only the main keyword would show up here :-)

For instance

fjellrev; Animalia; Art; Canidae; Caniformia; Carnivora; Chordata; dyreriket; hundefamilien; Mammalia; pattedyr; rovpattedyr; ryggstrengdyr; Vertebrata; virveldyr; Vulpes; Vulpes lagopus

fjellrev is the main keyword and the rest is synonyms. It is only fjellrev that are interesting to have in this special history tab that I wish for.
