Country Codes in IMatch Locations Dialog

Started by Tveloso, March 13, 2019, 03:54:43 AM

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Is there a local config file that contains the Country Codes that are presented in the Edit Locations Dialog? that the user can change the codes that appear there:

(I would like to replace those 3-Byte Codes, with the corresponding 2-Byte ISO Codes).

Also, Mario, would it be much work to have the Keyword Expression in Edit-->Preferences-->Geo & Maps be evaluated also when a Location is applied to an image (so that it behaves the same as when a Reverse Geocode operation is performed)?



This list is not user-configurable (and unchanged since IMatch 5 times).
When I recall correctly, the XMP standard requires the 3 letter country code, this is why this list uses it.

Regarding your other request (about the keyword), please add a feature request for this:


Thank you Mario.

The Country Codes question is really immaterial (just a slight preference on my part)...I'm perfectly fine staying with the three-character codes...(they're a bit more descriptive anyway)

I'll post a Feature Request for the other item.