Pack&Go problem with "grown" installation

Started by mity!, October 17, 2019, 11:34:14 AM

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I found a little problem when I recently migrated IMatch 2019 to a new PC:

I had a "grown" installation (starting with IMatch 3.5 up the the recent version) on my old PC. I now installed it on a new PC and used 'Pack & Go' in order to move the database and settings to the new device. I took care that my directory names and structure fitted to the old ones.

In the result my database was accessible on the new PC but all my application settings seemed to be lost. The protocol of 'Pack & Go' didn't show any issues.

Finally I found out that all my settings on the previous installation were saved to the file 'imatch5.pts' instead of 'imatch.pts' (%PROGRAMDATA%\\imatch6\config). The config file 'imatch5.pts' was copied by 'Pack & Go' to the right directory on the destination PC, but when starting, IMatch didn't recognize it as its config file and created a new (and emtpty) one 'imatch.pts'.

After renaming my 'imtach5.pts' to 'imatch.pts' on the destination system everything worked as expected with my former settings.  8)


You could have just updated the name of the PTS file IMatch uses in the Edit > Preferences > Application.

This is a very old issue that was explained in the release notes of the version at the time.
IMatch 2017 (internal IMatch 6) moved and renamed the PTS file to allow users to keep working with IMatch 5 simultaneously (that was a requirement I grudgingly fulfilled at the time).
IMatch 6 copied the PTS and renamed it. Only users who had changed their PTS file to another location had to manually perform this (this was explained at length in the release notes at the time).

Mixing all this with a Pack & Go, unmatching IMatch versions and a different PC is causing issues.

I RECOMMEND that you reinstall IMatch on that machine, because there are changes in the configuration files of the newer product version that your Pack & Go restore may have also overwritten.