people filter panel - ignored faces shown but shouldn't

Started by ben, April 30, 2020, 10:57:25 PM

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Hello Mario,

thanks for the latest updates, you are shipping them so quickly at the moment :-)

One question related to the people filter panel.

I have several images shown in the file window that only contain "ignored faces", no other faces.
If i select "files with unassigned faces" in the people filter, these files are still shown.

Reading the help, i would assume "ignored faces" are not shown. Am i wrong?

"help: Shows all files with faces for which no person could be identified."



Ignored faces have no person assigned => unassigned faces.
If you don't want this, don't ignore but delete the face.



Ignore: You want to retain the face but never assign person.
Delete: Don't care about the face.