Person Assignment being "duplicated" to all files in Scope

Started by Tveloso, May 19, 2020, 03:31:09 AM

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I have 15 files, all containing 100% Manual Face Annotations, that appear to be "linked" somehow.  When a person is assigned to one of the Face Annotations in any of the files, the other Annotations, in all 15 Files, are also changed to that same person.

I don't recall anymore how I arrived at this Scope of 15 Files (I think from one of my DD Categories, with a filter active), but once I noticed this behavior, I assigned them all to a new Category called Temp1, in order to isolate them, and to see if they would retain this behavior across IMatch sessions...and they do (even after re-booting the PC).

These 15 Files contain a combination of the same three persons (except for the last File) as follows:

  • Files 1-4: Person-A and Person-B
  • Files 5-8: Person-C and Person-B
  • Files 9-12: Person-B
  • Files 13-14: Person-A and Person-B
  • File 15: Person-C, Person-W, Person-X, Person-Y, Person-Z
In that last file, three of the Annotations are Unknown Persons (Persons X, Y, and Z), and are not being affected by this.  Only the Annotations for Person-C and Person-W originally had their own names assigned in this file (and are now being changed to whichever person is assigned to one of the Annotations in any of the other files).

I also noticed that variables like {File.Persons.OID} and {File.Persons.Tag} do not return a value for these 15 files (but do return values for all other files).

With all Annotations in these files now showing Person-B as the tag (except for the three unknown person annotations in the last file), I turned on Debug Logging, selected the first file, selected the Annotation for Person-A in that file (which had Person-B assigned - as did all other Annotations), and assigned Person-A as follows:

  • Click on the Annotation for Person-A (which currently has Person-B Assigned)
  • Press F2
  • Press Ctrl-B to select Person-A from the Recent Persons list
At this point, the actual Annotation for Person-B in this file, was also changed to Person-A (i.e. both Annotations in this file were changed from Person-B to Person-A).  After closing the Viewer, and reviewing all 15 files in the FileWindow (via the QuickView Panel), all Annotations were now showing Person-A (except for the three UnKnown Persons in the last file).

Database Diagnostics, run both before and after performing this test, did not turn up any errors (although, I still routinely get errors like "Missing Keywords...fixed" and "Face has no Annotation...Face removed" following many IMatch sessions).

I'll send the Debug Log to the Support Email.

Mario, I imagine that if I delete, and re-create, the Annotations in these files, that will resolve this issue (I recall something similar some time ago, with just one file)...but I'll keep them in this state, in case there's something you would like for me to check.  I hope this represents some true underlying issue, and is not just something that's specific to only my own IMatch Database.


When you assign a person to a face, all other unassigned or unconfirmed faces are analyzed to see if they match the person. And if a match (or a better match than before is found), the person is also assigned to these files. This is the normal behavior. Maybe this is the case here?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Mario, I don't think that's the case here though.

First, because they are all Manual Face Annotations, and remain that way after the "synchronized assignment change", so IMatch is not performing a recognition operation for them. 

But also, in other images, the people involved are recognized as themselves quite reliably.  The issue seems to be present only for these 15 files.

And the fact that {File.Persons.Tag} doesn't return a value for these files (when they clearly have a tag - the same one), is an indication that something is wrong with them.


Did you run a database diagnosis?
What makes these 15 files special? I doubt that I can reproduce this here and thus...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I did run a database diagnosis, and it turned up no errors.

I'm not sure what makes these 15 files thing that comes to mind is that they all include people that I was originally having "recognition issues" with, in early versions of IMatch 2020, and I actually deleted and re-created their person records to see if that would fix the issue.  This of course meant that all Manual Annotations that I had added for them, would not be automatically "brought back" (as were the "real faces"), and I would have to manually assign them again.  But there are plenty of other files for which that's also true, and they're not having the issue.

I'm perfectly happy to chalk this up as some one-time fluke, that was the result of some very specific user actions (that I can no longer remember)...I'm sure that if I delete and re-create those Annotations, that will resolve the issue for these files.  I just wondered if you might perhaps see something in the log that would merit some additional investigation.  I'm guessing that you might not have seen the the email containing the log related to this post yet...and understand completely if when you get to it, you decide it's not worth spending time on it.

But I'll keep these files around in their current state for a while longer just in case...


Maybe just re-do face-recog on these 15 files.
This should wipe any stains that may linger somewhere - although I have no idea what and where.

Maybe even use the "Remove from Database" command (context menu in the File Window) and then rescan the folder to bring them back.
This will make a clean slate.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook

