is my database for iMatch 3.6 or iMatch5?

Started by wildflower, September 23, 2020, 07:32:40 PM

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I have been away from IMatch for about 5 years (caregiving, parents' deaths).  I'm trying to pick up the pieces from prior work; changed computers twice since then, including a crash with some loss of data.  I used IMatch 3.6 from 2007-2015.   I bought IMatch 5 on 6/19/15 and installed it on 6/24/2015.  My notes don't say if I upgraded the database at that time, but the most recent database I seem to have is dated 6/24/2015.  It is named:  xxxxxx.imd4 and there's a xxxxxx.bas file with the same date.  How can I tell if this is an IMatch5 database or the IMatch 3 database?  Or does it matter?  I have the *.EXE for IMatch 5.  What other files would I need ?  I am setting up a new computer right now; haven't installed IMatch yet; plan to do so.  Will consider newer version of IMatch.  But primary goal right now is to get it working.  Any help, guidance will be appreciated. 


.imd4 is the legacy database format used by IMatch 3.

IMatch 5 included a database converter for IMatch 3 databases. So you can install IMatch 5 and run the database converter to migrate your old database.
I don't remember, but I think the help in IMatch 5 included a "For IMatch 3 users topic" and detailed help for the converter.

IMatch 2020 (which is the current version) cannot open old IMatch 3 databases anymore. But it can convert IMatch 5.x databases.
I did include the database converter for IMatch 3 in IMatch 5, 5.5. 2017, 2018 and 2019, until IMatch went 64-bit only. Several components in the database converter cannot work in 64-bit. Old times.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thanks so much, Mario.  I did find more detailed notes that in 2015 I bought and installed IMatch 5.4 but did not import the database from IMatch 3.6  Never opened IMatch again (or any other photo database) just too busy with family obligations; did keep taking photos!  So I will install IMatch 5.4, import my database from IMatch 3.6 and convert it to create IMatch 5.4 database, get comfortable that things are working, then buy IMatch 2020 and convert my database from IMatch 5.4.  I had created some scripts in IMatch 3.6, have those files; will eventually see if they can transfer to new Imatch and may ask more questions when I get to that point.  Your responsive is remarkable and very much appreciated.


Quote from: wildflower on September 24, 2020, 05:38:27 AM
I had created some scripts in IMatch 3.6, have those files; will eventually see if they can transfer to new Imatch
The old BASIC scripting engine has been retired, so your scripts will not run anymore. But (and this is a big "but") IMatch 2020 has so many new features in comparison to 3.6 that many scripts are not needed anymore because standard funtionality exists. However, this does not mean that IMatch is not scriptable anymore: It has just moved to a more modern technology as used everywhere in the Web.

Of course, the first milestone should be to get your database converted and up and running with IMatch 2020. After that, many people at this forum are happy to help if you have any questions.

Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Also make sure your computer will run IMatch 2020 before you download it - see here....


-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you ALL for your help.  Great community.  I have now installed IMatch 5.4 (which I bought in 2015) on my new computer (Dell XPS 8940), converted the 3.6 database to 5, relocated, rescanned, imported metadata, and let it update files. Didn't really use it, but it looks like everything's there. Bought and downloaded IMatch2020 (but not yet installed).  Tested for AVX (yes, OK).  Now, can you give me a link to help on best way to "upgrade" from V5 to v2020 and convert the database.  Install the program then convert the database?  Is there a utility for converting the database?  Will it come up when I install v2020?  OK to leave v5 on the computer while I install v2020?   Thanks so very much!


No separate conversion is needed. IMatch 2020 can open the 5.x database and automatically upgrade it to the new format used.
Although the jump from 5 to 2020 is quite big, it should work great.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you AGAIN!  The big jump was my concern.  I will proceed.  As mentioned, I've been in "another world" for the last several years.


Almost done, but I have an issue.  I didn't do it quite right and now I have 2 databases.
--one named "IMatch2020 db", which is empty
--one named "IMatch5 db", which is my correct database and works in IMatch2020.
That's confusing. I tried to code the database names for the program version and that was not a good plan. I would like to delete the empty "IMatch2020 db" and rename the "IMatch5 db" to just plain "IMatch db".
I have tried and tried, searched Help, searched the Community, but I can't accomplish either of these. I located the delete database tool, but it doesn't actually delete it. Please help!


This is much easier that you might think: The IMatch Database is just a single file. So, you can easily rename it using Windows Explorer like any other file. But make sure before that IMatch is not using the database (close the database or exit IMatch). Then locate the IMatch5 db.imd5 and rename it to IMatch db.imd5.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


At last I find I am not alone! I find myself in much the same position as "wildflower" for much the same reasons. (indeed, judging by the interest shown he and I may well not be alone in our predicament).  I had been reluctant to approach Mario for help as I was only too aware that both the Versions of IMatch that I have running (3.6 & 2019) are no longer supported.

I too have been puzzled by the fact that my 3.2 database files are .idb4 although it appears in File Explorer just as "All My Photos" without any .imd(x) suffix. It is shown under "Type" as "IMatch4 Document" and in its properties folder as All My Photos.imd4.  I understand in principle what "thrinn" is suggesting but unsure in practice just how to do this when Explorer does not show the .imd suffix. I would also gently point out that "thrinn" in his example renames the file to the same name.

Am I correct in believing that in order to access the database converter I need a 32bit copy of one of the versions listed by Mario?
If I do, the question arises of how I obtain a copy of a 32bit version.  My customer portal only offers me a 32bit version of Imatch 2017 amongst those listed by Mario. An attempt to install this simply results in a message that I already a later version installed and install stops. I assume that I shall need to uninstall my 64bit IMatch 2019 (having backed everything up) in order to proceed.


Quote3.2 database files are .idb4 although it appears in File Explorer just as "All My Photos"

Windows Explorer by default hides file extensions. Only Microsoft knows why. You need to enable the option in the "View" menu in Windows Explorer to see file extensions again.
.IMD4 is used by IMatch 3 databases.

Early versions of IMatch 2019 (before 64-bit) where the last IMatch versions which could convert IMatch 3 databases. The converter was in IMatch 5, 5.5, 2017, 2018 and 2019 and discontinued when IMatch became 64-bit only.

Don't bother with conversion. You don't gain anything. IMatch must re-read all files anyway to extract the metadata. And this is what takes the most time.
Just create a new database with a more modern version and index all your files.
You can export your categories in IMatch 3 and import them into IMatch 20x afterwards. This has been explained many times over the years (use the search feature in the community or Google to find the info), and there is even old KB entry: Upgrading from IMatch 3 to IMatch 5. See section 4.2 there.

If you have used properties in your legacy database, you can export them and import them into IMatch 20x.

This gives you the same result as the converter!
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you Mario that is most helpful. Once I have upgraded my PC to Windows 10  I intend to purchase IMatch 2020.  Will the steps you suggest for bypass conversion work equally well with this latest version?


Sorry Mario, on re-reading your reply I see that you have in fact answere my question. omce again many thanks for your help.