
Started by Stevef48, September 10, 2021, 06:56:27 PM

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Is "PTMetabase::SetExtraError" an iMatch error? I've seen it 526 times in the attached log.
Could it explain why the same files keep reappearing after "Metadata Writeback"?
For example PO080037.ORF. (
iMatch informs me that the Subject needs to be updated, but the Output Window showed that Subject contains the data I expect:-
C:\Program Files\\imatch6\arg_files\exif2xmp.args
C:\Program Files\\imatch6\arg_files\iptc2xmp.args
C:\Program Files\\imatch6\arg_files\gps2xmp.args

-XMP-dc:Subject=Places|East Kent|Deal|Upper Deal IMatch (Windows)


As Mario said in one of my other posts, it looks like my images or Exiftool Installation are still damaged.
Any ideas how to fix them?
Thanks in advance


SetExtraError is just a function call where IMatch stores the optionally "extra error tag" contents produced by ExifTool in the database.
Or deletes it, if none was delivered.
ExifTool stores errors encountered while reading or writing an image in that tag and IMatch makes it accessible for filtering and uses the contents in the yellow warning icon in the File Window shown when a file had problems.

The same errors will be included in the log file, shown in the ExifTool output panel etc.

Tip: You can find all files with Errors in the IMatch Dashboard. Go to the Actions panel and click on ExifTool Errors.

Your log file contains many logged WIC errors, when IMatch tries to load your RAW files via WIC.

Many "component not found" messages, and even some exceptions. Seems that your WIC codec installation is corrupted somehow, or that the installed ORG codec really does not like your ORF files.
Maybe install the latest ORF coded provided by Olympus (just kidding, the don't give a shit) or install the latest WIC codec pack from Microsoft ( to see if this fixes things.
These problems generate a lot of noise in your log file, making it harder to find the real problems. Maybe install Windows fresh?

ExifTool reports Microsoft namespace issues, invalid date and times etc. Check the log file for file names, check the metadata for these files to make sure it is correct. IMatch ensures correct formats, but does not modify data written by other applications.

If files become pending again after write-back, there is some metadata mess which needs manually sorting out.
Start with the tips and steps explained in Metadata for Beginners under Metadata Problems and Pitfalls

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Thanks for your reply. I have read both the articles and they are useful, but I haven't found anything relevant to this issue. I'll read them again.
The WIC Codecs may be the problem, but I have many ORF with the correct metadata and it isn't just ORF that keep reappearing. There are 3 JPEG and also NEF and RW2
The IMatch DashBoard shows 2 exiftool errors.

I exported the names to a text file with DOS commands to deleted each file's xmp, reran metadata writeback on all of them. They still have unwritten subject data.
Thanks again


QuoteThe WIC Codecs may be the problem, but I have many ORF with the correct metadata a

These error messages and exceptions are not about the metadata. The WIC codec is crashing while trying to read your ORF file.
This might because of badly corrupted metadata in the ORF, but most likely is caused by a corrupted image or an unsupported ORF variant.

Subject are keywords (XMP:dc-subject).
As explained in the help, when there are mismatches in keywords IMatch cannot fix itself, the user must interfere.

Use the Metadata Analyst to see the problems in the file.
Fix the mismatching keywords. Make sure your thesaurus is correct for what you need and that the keyword flattening options under Edit > Preferences > Metadata do what you need.

I have explained this problem so many times here in the community, analyzed files, showed where the keywords don't match, how to fix it, and even explained it now in a dedicated help topic.

You can only fix this yourself, because this depends on the metadata in your files, your thesaurus and flattening options.
I unfortunately don't have the time to fix metadata problems for each user individually.

If ExifTool fills the ExtraError tag, this is the first thing I would look at. Mouse cursor on the yellow warning icon to see the errors logged.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


I installed the latest WIC Codec, then copied most of the files from backup, some had not yet been backed up this brought it down to 4 files, which need fixing:-
D:\Photos\2019\2019-11-November\2019-November-December Bournezeau\DSC_0884.NEF

The first one I fixed by copying all xmp data from the associated JPEG and the second by doing the same with a TIF.
I now need to work out how to fix the last two, using exiftool.