More then only 8 files in the viewer

Started by sinus, December 22, 2021, 08:08:46 AM

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We can have up to 8 files in the viewer.
Since computer are better and better in the last years, and monitors bigger and bigger, I wonder, would it not be possible to have more than 8 files?

Maybe up to 12 would be cool, maybe even more.
I work quite a lot with the viewer, mostly with only 1 or two images, but sometimes it is very helpful to work with a lot of images.

I have now idea, would this be very complicated.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I would welcome this as well though I typically don't compare that many images at once.. but to view a whole bunch on my 2nd widescreen monitor rather than using a larger thumbnail would be nice.

Soo.... +1!



8 is already quite high. stretching the limits.

Consider you use 24 MP images. Each image in memory needs about 80MB. For something like a Nikon Z7 this goes up to about 140 MB (!)per image.
80 * 8 = 640 MB memory for one page (!) in the Viewer.
140 * 8 = 1.1 GB (!) memory for one page (!) in the Viewer.

And this means only for one set of images, without any background caching / pre-loading of files in advance.

The graphic card RAM is also a limiting factor, since DirectX needs to move image data from the main memory into the graphic card memory before it can be displayed.
Many graphic cards have only 3 or 4 GB of memory, and this memory is also used for other things and not exclusively available for one application (like IMatch).

And when I look at the telemetry data from the past 6 months, I guess that only very, very few users will ever need more than 8 parallel panels in the Viewer (% of users using #n panels):