New Feature "Add Favorites to File Window Toolbars"

Started by frankdarwin, January 19, 2022, 09:14:08 PM

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In the latest update there is a new feature "
Add Favorites to File Window Toolbars".
Unfortunately I can't understand the description in the release notes.
Can you please explain in more detail how I can use this feature?


Have you read the documentation?

Adding Favorites to the File Window Toolbar

Anything unclear with the wording in the properties dialog I should improve?


First you have to have (or create) some favorites in your favorites panel.

Then right click the favorite button you want to add to the file window toolbar and choose Properties.

In the favorite properties enable the option to add that favorite to the file window toolbar.

See attached screenshots.


Excellent hint, the screen shots were helpful. Thank you for posting. I was also having difficulty working out how to use.

I haven't been using events, so reading through how to activate "Today over the years"....



Help me improve the instructions in the help. Currently it reads:

Adding Favorites to the File Window Toolbar

Open the Options dialog for the Favorite you want to add to the File Window toolbar (right-click on the Favorite to open the context menu, then select Options).
For the Add to File Window toolbar option select either Primary Action or Secondary Action.

If this is unclear, let me know how to explain it better.
I don't want to put a screen shot of the Favorite options dialog box next to each option. I would need to redo them every time I add/change an option...


Open the Options dialog for the Favorite you want to add to the File Window toolbar (right-click on the Favorite to open the context menu, then select Options).

Perhaps change to:
Open the Options dialog for the Favorite you want to add to the File Window toolbar (right-click on the Favorite icon to open the context menu, then select Options).

In my case I had always dragged icons to favorites, e.g. Photolab 5, Affinity Photo. I had not realized that one could change properties of these items, so the "Open the options dialog" had me searching in the tabs and operational icons at the top of the window.

Having worked it out and carefully rereading the instructions there is not much more can be done with the wording. Perhaps add the word "icon"?



You right-click the Favorite, not the icon (some Favorites may not even have an icon, depending on the type of Favorite).

Near the top of the Favorite topic, it is explained how to change the properties of a Favorite, like text and background color, the icon etc:

Favorite Properties


Sometimes someone has just to be patient. This feature I wish 9 Years ago, and now it is here.
Thank you, Mario.  ;D


Quote from: Menace on January 20, 2022, 05:50:59 PM
Sometimes someone has just to be patient. This feature I wish 9 Years ago, and now it is here.
Thank you, Mario.  ;D

;D ;) :)

simply true!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)