Using Thumbnails for OFF-Line Folders

Started by nacho02, February 03, 2025, 06:41:20 PM

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Hello everyone,
My current set-up involves having a part of my DB offline. Drive E... For those folders, I would like to use the thumbnails.
My current BD has a standard thumbnail of 300px.
I have changed this to 400px in the settings, and have a) purged the thumbnails for E:  (right mouse click, cache & then purge) and redone all of them  (right mouse click, cache & then rebuild (including JPGs). For some reason it does not work. The process does take a few hours, but when I take the files offline and I use the slide show, I get a symbol like a grey box with a question mark. So no thumbnail gets displayed. 

This should work, since I've tested it with a different DB.. Any ideas what I need to look for to solve this issue?

Here is a screenshot of my Info Panel:



Thumbnails are stored in the database and separate from cache images.
To recreate thumbnails after making changes to the thumbnail settings, select the files on force an update via Shift+Ctrl+F5.
Write back before, if the files are pending.


Hi Mario,
understood.... ok. What I'm after is to use the cache images when these are offline. Forget about the thumbnails. Sorry for the confusion.

I did another test. Wrote the metadata in a large collection of files. Then purged the cache and rebuilt it... It only works in a small amount of images. I can attaching the log if required.

I can see a number of warnings like: "PTPIP::Load failed with Unknown image type.  'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2886)"'

or W> Error loading E:\2020\08-Agosto\04-Vacaciones\20200804_Vacaciones_S120_0257.cr2 using ptcRAW with error 0  'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(596)'

ailed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F50 - Die Komponente wurde nicht gefunden.  'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(494)'




So, cache images then.
JPG files are by default not cached. Just in case.
The warnings in the log for the .CR2 file means that LibRaw could not load the image.
The "Komponente nicht gefunden" is Microsoft WIC speak for "unsupported image format".

Do you have " RAW Processing" enabled under Edit > Preferences > Application? Search for raw to find the setting.
If this is off, IMatch first tries to load RAW files with Windows WIC. And falls back to LibRaw when WIC cannot load an image.

You can also run a WIC Diagnosis on the two files in question.
Select one in a File Window and then run Help > Support > WIC Diagnosis.
This will tell us if LibRaw / WIC can load the image or not.

Providing a sample image which produces this problem (cloud download or via email an support email address with a link back to this thread) is always helpful. And a ZIPped log file created in Debug mode (Help menu > Support > Debug Logging) from an IMatch session where you did your tests.