
Started by bobneedshelp, February 06, 2025, 06:34:18 PM

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I don't use Flag, Dots, Pins, and Bookmarks.  They do get in the way sometimes as I click on the image and accidentally hit one of those collections. 

Is there any way to just turn off those collections as I use other features in the overlay like ratings and labels and I don't want those hidden.

Perhaps there is a preference to hide those in the overlay on the main image window?


You cannot disable individual icons in File Window panels.
If you hit icons accidentally often, use the Icon Lock perhaps?


I can try the Icon Lock, but I think I was after more of a preference to turn them off or the ability to delete the categories that I don't use (and it would also remove the icons on the thumbnails).  I do use some of them, just not all of them.  I could simplify somewhat if there were choices.

The interface is very flexible.  Maybe just a thought for the future. 


This would complicate thins, without a real need. Adding options to File Window layouts to control whether or not show each individual icon. I doubt many users will any see a need for this.

Create your own File layout without icons, like this:



Not sure if it helps - but I turned my overlay icons off many years ago and include icon information in a custom file layout. The icons provide on/off values to give me visual access to information like if the image has GPS data, Reverse GEO info, descriptions and the number of keywords.  If interested, I'm happy to share the details on to do this.  Enjoy - Andy.



I have done something similar but not as comprehensively as Andy.  I have a mix of some File Window Layouts without the IMatch overlay icons and with my own but still have some layouts where I use the overlay icons.

I am inspired to be more complete (and consistent)!



Quote from: Jingo on February 06, 2025, 08:25:36 PMNot sure if it helps - but I turned my overlay icons off many years ago and include icon information in a custom file layout. The icons provide on/off values to give me visual access to information like if the image has GPS data, Reverse GEO info, descriptions and the number of keywords.  If interested, I'm happy to share the details on to do this.  Enjoy - Andy.


I would be interested at understanding how you did that.  I'm interested in something like the default Keywords layout but with some of the icons at the bottom like you have.  It would show file name and date in the header, ratings and labels under the picture, keywords, and then some of the overlay icons like you have.  Want the pencil, GPS, info and file lock. 


I need to look up my notes and/or find the other thread(s) where I was first inspired - probably tomorrow.

To be clear, the icons are displayed but you can't interact with them; so the info icon wouldn't display the file tip if you hover over it with the mouse.

Personally, I use icons in my file windows quite a bit for various purposes - while a picture says a thousand words, I am sure an icon is good for at least a hundred words...



This article was a key for me in understanding how to put icons into a file window layout

Here is also a thread on the topic and some tricky details - it is quite dated but useful for awareness.,4638.msg80591.html#msg80591

I did most of my icons in IMatch 2020 and they have carried over through the upgrades with no issues.

Most of the examples on the site have the icon location hard-coded. To save some typing and space in the Custom Template box of the File Window Layout editor (which can quickly get very crowded if you have many tests for icons), I switched mine to being relative by putting the icons into a folder (I have called it 'My Icons') which on my PC is in 'C:\Program Files\'.  

An example from a file window layout where I display an icon if there are NO keywords (I think this is also an example in the knowledge article):

{File.MD.hierarchicalkeywords|hasvalue:;default:<Image Source='..\My Icons\key.png'/>}

Due to the power of IMatch variables, they can get quite sophisticated.  I use the title metadata tag as part of my final file name, so this is a test to make sure I didn't put an illegal character in it. This shows the need for different handling for a 'hasvalue' test.   

{File.MD.title|filter:[#%&\{\}<>\*\?\$!'"\+\.`\|=\\\^];hasvalue:HV;pereplace:HV==<Image Source='..\My Icons\danger.png'/>}

I created mine at first to be able to have a QA file window layout, which uses icons to flag a file that has failed one my of QA standards.    Since then, I keep finding new uses for icons to easily convey information without using up much space.  Next up will probably be Andy's idea to replace the overlay icons.

Hope this is helpful.



QuoteTo save some typing and space in the Custom Template
A global variable with a short name like {ip} for "icon path" serves well for this.


Here is my exported custom template for pulling this together - just rename the extension from txt to imfwl and then import it into the custom file window editor. It will not open as a txt file - I just renamed it to attach it to the post easily.

You will need to replace the PNG file with your own and then reference their location within the long footer section at the end. You can either build the template section by section from my file or simply Import the file and then modify the icon locations/name later.

It is best to make all changes in a text editor and then copy/paste the changes for that footer into the editor at the bottom of the IMatch window because it is not easy to edit such a long string of text there.  Mario's suggestion to use variables is a good one and I should take the time to implement that now.

Any questions - please let me know!


I understand that I have to make .png files for each icon (color and not color for most).  These are for display only. 

I imported the template and I'm looking at the custom information that you have in the template.  I think I understand most of the items that you have, but would like to know a little more about the Footer 4 right part of the layout.

Example:  I think this code tells me that if the Metadata is not Modified then use Black and White image (ModifyBW.png).  If it is modified, use the normal pencil/pen image.  Is that the correct way to interpret that?
pereplace:XXX==<Image Source='C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\icons\ModifyBW.png'/>;
pereplace:YYY==<Image Source='C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\icons\Modify.png'/>}

Looks like you use the RUN section when you need to get a value for an icon and corresponding font information.

Where can I learn more about the overlay images on the screen and their corresponding attributes?  Looking for the basic items shown on the default screen that you haven't already given me in this area:

Write Protected
GPS Coordinate
File Protected
Face Annotations

Anyone want to share their icons (32x32 png with transparent backgrounds)?


According to the variables section of the help:

   Write-protected: is {File.ReadOnly} which returns a Yes or No 
   Protected: is {File.Protected} Yes or No

For GPS Coordinate, I just check to see if {File.MD.gpslatitude} has a value or not - it maps to the XMP Exif tag group.  I suspect that it is not a perfect test and could be wrong in some instances (I am sure IMatch has more comprehensive logic).   Perhaps test with that tag and see if it works for you and if not, use a different GPS tag - these are tags that are repeated in multiple places in the metadata and without a write-back to synchronize, some tags may be populated and others not depending on your source files and workflow.

For Face Annotations, I believe testing if one of the Faces variables has a value or not is the way to go - eg. {File.Faces.OID}.



Just keep in mind: 

Evaluating all these variables will slow down the File Window. Not a problem when your folders have a few dozen or hundred files. But when you work with large scopes, e.g. categories or folders with thousands or files, IMatch must evaluate all these variables to calculate the layout, dimensions, scroll dimensions etc.

For standard attributes like the collection icons, rating and label bar etc. IMatch relies on internal caches and batch operations to fetch all the data as fast as possible. When variables are used, this is not possible anymore, and IMatch e.g. has to query the IMatch Graph for the persons shown in an image, for each image in the current scope if you use something like {File.Faces.OID} 


I created a layout thanks to everyone's help.  It is a start, but it is closer to what I want.  It would be great if the icons worked, but at least they are out of the way.  I will work on creating a variable for the path.

There is an intentional large gap below the image as I left space for tags to show there. 

I added my home made images if people are interested.  All images have a BW verison but they are all basically blank in my implementation. 

The custom template code for the icons was:
{File.MetadataModified|is:No,XXX,YYY;pereplace:XXX==<Image Source='C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\icons\ModifyPencilBW.png'/>;pereplace:YYY==<Image Source='C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\icons\ModifyPencil.png'/>} {File.MD.gpslatitude|hasValue:XXX;default:<Image Source='C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\icons\EarthBW.png'/>;pereplace:XXX==<Image Source='C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\icons\Earth.png'/>} {File.MD.XMP::iptcExt\PersonInImage\PersonInImage\0|hasValue:XXX;default:<Image Source='C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\icons\PeopleBW.png'/>;pereplace:XXX==<Image Source='C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\icons\People.png'/>}<Run FontWeight='Bold' FontSize='10pt'>{File.Persons.Tag|count:true}</Run>


Looking good... since IMatch 2023 - I have not noticed any slowdowns on my system using these variables/icons and the file viewer, even with directories upwards of 5000 images (trips).