AI Questions: Traits, [[-c-]] exchanging & copying AI Keywords to Image Keywords

Started by Jingo, March 05, 2025, 06:52:40 PM

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So.. recently been playing around with the OpenAI service and must admit - it is able to identify more birds from images than Mistral has been (neat!).  So, I have three questions...

1 - Let say the AI returns the following set of keywords for a Mallard Image:

AI|Aquatic; AI|Green Head; AI|Serene; AI|Tranquil; Animal; Animals|Animal; Animals|Bird|Duck; Animals|Bird|Mallard; feathers; Objects|Reflection; Objects|Water; Objects|Water|Pond; outdoors; Places|Nature; swimming; wildlife

Since I set the AI to add the keywords to the AI Keywords and not Hierarchical... I would like to copy SELECT hierarchical keywords to the image - mostly those that are hierarchical and linked to the thesaurus... do I have to manually do this or is there a mechanism via the Metadata panel to do so?  I have a metadata template setup to copy the AI components to XMP fields.. but it copies them ALL and not the selected items.  I can write an APP to do this but wanted to check and see if something exists first.

2 - I still cannot get any traits to file into the AI Tags... I have the following setup in OpenAI settings:


When I run the AI on any image, I get no traits returns in the AI Tags section... I would have thought the tags would get set up even with empty results given my prompt but perhaps not?

3 - I have set up my preferences to use the AI tags and the prompt within is simply set to [[-c-]] for all three items, description, keywords and landmarks.  In the autotagger prompt, I then enter the prompt as: 

Describe this image in a style to make it easily searchable. Use simple English, common words, factual language, and simple sentences.
Avoid describing anything not directly observable from the image.
Return ten to fifteen keywords describing this image.
{File.MD.hierarchicalkeywords|hasvalue:This image has the following keywords: {File.MD.hierarchicalkeywords}.}
Return the names of known landmarks and tourist spots in this image. If you cannot detect any landmarks or tourist spots, return nothing.
{|hasvalue:This image was taken in {},}{|hasvalue: {}.}

This seems to replace EACH of the [[-c-]] prompts with these values which seems to work.. but perhaps is wasteful to the AI token usage? Should I just hardcode each of the prompts in preferences with the appropriate section from above once I get something I like set?  Or - should we be able to define overrides for each section on the fly... something like a [[-k-]] for keywords, [[-d-]] for description and [[-l-]] for landmarks?

Thx - Andy.