Arrangement of panales and views

Started by JoeHolzwurm, June 30, 2013, 03:37:56 PM

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Since hours I try to arrange my panels and views but I get not the results I am searching for.

Why are there panels, views, a viewer and a file window? The viewer is not a panel??? The views are no panels??? The file window is not a panel???
How do I arrange the panels, the views, the viewer and the file window? I did read a lot in the manual and I did read a lot of the things which are possible but nothing about how they are possible.

I will attach two pictures. In View_Panels1 I arranged the views above the file window. When I select the category view I get the result which can be seen in picture View_Panels2. Is that a bug or not? For me the result of picture 2 does not make sense. I would have expected to get the category view in the same "box" than the media & folder view.

How do I get the views vertical to the left edge of the screen? I tried to move it with the mouse. No reaction. I made double clicks at several positions to undock it. No result.

I tried to reproduce the workspace with the big viewer window which can be seen in the manual. How do I get the viewer window without the thumbnail bar below it?
How can I move with the arrow keys through file window and I see the active picture in the viewer window?

A lot of questions now but I invested a lot of time until now and reached nearly nothing of the things I tried. I am nearly at the point where I kick off the program from my computer and I hope that I can get some help.

[attachment deleted by admin]



Read the thread "How to group panels", you might find some answers.


PS If you want something like this: read the examples given by John Zeman here:

[attachment deleted by admin]


I did read that in the manual and also the post from John Zeman but in this case I want to move a view. It seems so that the views do not behave like a panel and the strange behaviour when selecting another view...


It seems so as if the views (media & folder view / category view /...) and the file window are attached to each other and I cannot arrange them independent. This would be much better. Or is there a way I did not see?


When you want to move a floating panel to dock it to one of the sides left click and hold on the panel title bar then drag it where you want it.

The views, meaning Media and Folders, Categories, Timeline, and Collections, are locked together.  Each of them can be minimized to the left side by clicking on the pin icon though.

The viewer, meaning the image viewer, can be used in one of four ways.  To change from one viewer mode to another open an image in the viewer, then right click it and choose View Mode > (one of the choices which are): Full Screen, Window, Maximize, and Panel.


A View is not a panel. A View combines a specific view (e.g. Media & Folders) with a file Window. You cannot move this specific view panel and the file window independently. Why would you do such a thing? You can make the view panel auto-hide to make more room for the file window, but you cannot move the file window or the view panel to another location.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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My idea was to show the Metadata panel below the viewer window but the folder tree of the Media & Folder "panel" should be longer until the lower edge of the screen. Perhaps I have to arrange the metadata panel into another workspace.

In a second workspace I wanted to have the Media & Folder "panel" at the left side of the screen, the file window at the right side and between the viewer window. That's the reason why I want to arrange the "view" and the viewer window independent.
I will try to arrange the Media & Folder "panel" left and directly beside it the file window. At the right side I will arrange the viewer window.
But how do I change the orientation of the Media & Folder "panel"? As you can see in the pictures it is above the file window while the category "panel" is beside it. This seems very strange for me.


The file window is where you work most of the time. This is why it has such a prominent position.
The file window is always coupled with it's left panel (Media & Folders, Categories). You cannot separate them. This behavior is by design.

The Viewer can be operated into four different modes: As a panel, 'maximized' (filling the entire IMatch window), as a free floating window which can be moved independently from IMatch (e.g. to a second monitor) and in full-screen mode. In panel mode, you can arrange it that the metadata panel is shown under the Viewer, no problem. But docking the viewer window, although possible, makes not much sense if your monitor is small. The viewer will be so small that you can use the Quick View panel as well. The viewer has been designed for culling and quality assessment so you usually want it to be very big, or even better, on a second monitor. To have a quick look at the currently selected file, the Quick View Panel is usually the better choice.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I do not want to have a quick view, I want to have a big viewer for quality assessment.
To arrange that I can start new from standard workspace but the question is if it is possible to rearrange the existing situation? Did you see the situation in my first picture? I cannot change it and even do not remember how I could create that.


Ok, now I have it changed. I had to change the viewer window to a "window" and then I could change the Media & Folder view and then I switched back the viewer window to a panel.


Yes. Please see the Viewer help for all the the details. There is a lot of functionality packed into the viewer. The different display modes are just the tip of the iceberg...  ;)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I already did read a lot about the viewer (and other things). Perhaps it is a problem with the language and/or with the big amount of new information.

Now I again did read about the viewer but still could not find an answer to the question if it is possible to scroll through the file window with the arrow keys and see the active picture in the viewer. In the manual is written that I first have to transfer the pictures to the viewer and then scroll through the thumbnail bar of the viewer.
In the chapter of the workspace I saw a printscreen with the file window and the viewer without the thumbnail bar of the viewer window. So I thought that it is possible to scroll through the file window and while I see the active picture in the viewer.


Quote from: JoeHolzwurm on July 01, 2013, 11:40:38 AM
So I thought that it is possible to scroll through the file window and while I see the active picture in the viewer.

As I understand, you have always sending the files to the viewer (right click or "Eingabe"/"Return").


Quotewith the arrow keys and see the active picture in the viewer

The Quick View Panel has been designed exactly for this purpose. Did you use it yet?

  • When the Quick View Panel is open (docked or free-floating) it follows the focused file in the File Window.
  • You can quickly zoom to 100% by just left-clicking anywhere in the Quick View Panel. Ideal for focus checks and the like.
  • When you hold down <SPACE> and you move the mouse cursor over thumbnails in the File Window, the Quick View Panel displays the file under the mouse cursor.
  • This is very fast when cache images have already been created, else there may be a short delay while the Quick View Panel is producing the cache image on-demand.

Details as usual in the IMatch help.

The Viewer has been designed for full-screen viewing of files. For culling, rating, labeling and the like. I guess that most users will use the viewer at full-screen or on a secondary monitor. To bring the currently focused file, or all selected files into the viewer, press <Enter> or <Return>.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Ok, so I misunderstood the picture and its description of the help file.

I changed the viewer window to the quick view and it works fine, especially in combination with the locked dive zoom.


Mario says:
QuoteThe Viewer has been designed for full-screen viewing of files. For culling, rating, labeling and the like. I guess that most users will use the viewer at full-screen or on a secondary monitor. To bring the currently focused file, or all selected files into the viewer, press <Enter> or <Return>.

The ability to label ( Enter title/description from the metadata or in attributes) is missing. Or am I missing something?


Quote from: ubacher on October 17, 2013, 05:11:38 PM
Mario says:
QuoteThe Viewer has been designed for full-screen viewing of files. For culling, rating, labeling and the like. I guess that most users will use the viewer at full-screen or on a secondary monitor. To bring the currently focused file, or all selected files into the viewer, press <Enter> or <Return>.

The ability to label ( Enter title/description from the metadata or in attributes) is missing. Or am I missing something?

I think, labeling means the xmp-labels (red, green, yellow and so on), not edit text like title.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I used label in the standard sense, of given a file an XMP label.
For editing metadata or keywords, use the Metadata Panel and the Keyword panel.

You can use the Quick View to see a larger version of your image in this situation. Or switch the Viewer to panel or window mode and arrange things to your liking. Or put the viewer on a second monitor if you have one. It's all pretty flexible.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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