Restore Help Needed

Started by Wurz1, Today at 11:54:31 AM

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I seem to have foolishly lost my database.

I run regular backups on closing down iMatch but am slightly concerned I may not have been doing this correctly as using 'Pack & Go' to restore the most recent 'backup' from 2 days ago doesn't seem to restore an actual imd5 database file.

Any suggestions?


Did you include your database in the Pack & Go Package (The Pack & Go Application).
Including one or more databases is optional.

When you verify the package, you can see if they contain a database: Verify 
The verify protocol lists all databases in the package.

How did you restore? Back into the original folders or into a separate folder so you can restore individual files manually with Windows Explorer?


Seems I haven't been including the database :'(

I found one from a couple years ago so guess I'll just have to work forward from that.



That's unfortunate :-X
Pack & Go shows a warning "You have not included a database..." when no database is included in the package.

Don't you have a "real" backup of your entire disk you can extract the database from?
I mean, your disk/SSD can die from one minute to the other, and all your data is lost unless you have a full backup.