Post Update: AI Traits removed from AI Tags Metadata Template

Started by Jingo, Today at 02:59:07 PM

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Just update to the 2025.2.4 and noticed when I viewed the AI Tags metadata template that the custom traits I have setup are no longer appearing.  Looks like the update reset the standard metadata templates removing the traits I had added.

Since the only way to see custom AI traits on the AI Tags template is to manually set them up - should they not be retrained between updates?  

Thx - Andy.



Installing an update does not change or re-import Metadata Panel layouts. This cannot be the reason.
The Metadata Panel validates layouts when it receives a "AI Tag removed" message from the system, to ensure that there are no longer existing tags in layouts. Did you remove an AI tag (trait tag)?
Are all AI tags still there? See Database menu > Tools > Manage AI Tags.


Hmm... interesting.. I thought they were reinstalled (good to know they are not)

The traits are still there:


Just had a thought: are the metadata panel layouts written into the database immediately... or when the program is shutdown?  I had a power failure so IMatch did not shut down cleanly... I got the warning when I restarted again asking if I wanted to use the last database, etc.... could that have something to do with the missing custom traits?


They are written when you close the layout editor dialog with OK. Unless the power failure happens in exactly that moment...
If you can reproduce this, let me know.

I still have all AI traits I have created in my two test databases and the MD panel layouts show them.


Ok.. strange.  I just set them up again so will keep an eye on the layout to see if they "disappear" again.  Thx.