Missing "User Tools" Context Menu

Started by J.D. McDowell, July 01, 2013, 02:29:43 AM

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J.D. McDowell

I was great having my favourite applications in the context (right click) menu. It would be nice to have that ability back. Also, I realize this is not specifically an iMatch bug, but the workaround to add Capture NX2 outlined here


doesn't seem to be applicable to V5, which means I can't open my main raw editor.


See the Help topic for Favorites.

For example, you can drag and drop shortcuts for CS6 etc to the Applications tab of Favorites.

Once that's done, you can drag selected files from the File Window to your application favorites to have them open in the chosen program.


User Tools have been integrated into the Favorites feature. This makes it easier to group applications together, and Favorites also support 64 bit applications. See the help topic for details.

Tio: When you type User Tools into the Index tab in the IMatch 5 help you are directly forwarded to Favorites.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Dear Mario,

if I use 'user tools' the search in the help-file, I get 27 results! On the 5th place I found the hint for the favorites, but here no hint, how to add an external program (via drag-and-drop, but only with the shortcut).

It took some time, to find-out, because at the first I was looking for an add-option ...



Hello Gerd,

At the bottom of each topic in the help files is a feedback link intended to provide Mario with our thoughts concerning that topic. I am not suggesting that such thoughts can not be expressed in this forum. Only that the feedback link is specifically for that purpose.


When you use the Search function in the help, Windows will show all occurrences of the search term in the entire help file.
When you instead type user tool  in the Index tab, the first hit (and the only) is for Favorites.
Another index word would have been Application, which also leads directly to Favorites.

The is a dedicated section in the Favorites topic help which starts with:

QuoteYou can drag application shortcuts (e.g. from the Desktop, the START menu or the Taskbar) to the Favorite panel. Application Favorites are stored per-computer. This makes it easy to handle different sets of applications on your different computers.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hallo Gerd,

hast Du inzwischen die Lösung? Wenn nicht, dann versuche bitte diesen Weg:

You can drag application shortcuts (e.g. from the Desktop, the START menu or the Taskbar) to the Favorite panel.

- Öffne IMatch, gehe zu den Favoriten/Anwendungen
- verkleinere IMatch
- Klicke den Windows Start-Button, dann 'Alle Programme'
- dort das gewünschte Programm anfassen und nach IMatch  'Anwendungen' rüberziehen (deshalb die verkleinerte Darstellung)

Die Hilfe ist manchmal etwas verwirrend. Ich versuche es mal mit 'Index' und mal mit 'Suchen'. Dann stolpere ich solange drin rum, bis ich das Passende gefunden habe. Wenn ich Glück habe, kann ich mit dem Englisch etwas anfangen.

Auf diesen Weg habe ich die Lösung gefunden und FixFoto, mein Bildbearbeitungsprogramm, eingefügt - klappt prima.


J.D. McDowell

Hi All:

I understand the new function of the favourites panel. I was simply stating I found having a context menu easier and quicker to work with rather than having to navigate to or open another panel. Not that I don't like the favourites panel, because I do. This forum being for feature requests I thought it the best place to post for a past feature I'd like to see in V5.

As far as adding Nikon Capture NX2 to the favourites panel, the problem from iMatch 3 still exists. I know that Mario and the crew are aware of this being a Windows bug, but there was a work around in iMatch 3 which I would, if possible, like to try and implement in iMatch 5.

In the interim I've set NX2 as the default action in Windows and have been using the "Ctrl+Enter" keystrokes to launch it.

I still miss right clicking and picking my program though.


You are aware of the feature to assign keyboard shortcuts to Favorites?
This allows you to use a Favorite, e.g. start an application by pressing <F3> followed by the keyboard shortcut you have assigned to your Favorite.
To assign keyboard shortcuts, right-click a Favorite and choose Properties.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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J.D. McDowell

Yes, but with all the new features to explore I hadn't quite got there yet. Since it looks like I'll be using key commands for NX2 it makes sense to assign them to the remainder of my favourites (Photoshop etc.)

On the off chance that it's possible, is there a location to add a shortcut or a config file to edit to "try" to get NX2 to open from the favourites menu?

If you've ever had to deal with Nikon support you'll know that they'll never fix it on their end.


QuoteAs far as adding Nikon Capture NX2 to the favourites panel, the problem from iMatch 3 still exists.

Which problem do you mean?
IMatch 5 can launch 32 and 64 bit applications. For 64 bit applications it uses a proxy process to work around the Windows bug with launching 64 bit apps via shortcuts from within 32 bit apps. Works for all 63 bit apps tested to far. I don't use Nikon software anymore so I can't test with Capture. But if it works with other 64 bit apps, it should also work with Capture.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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J.D. McDowell

Hi Mario:

I was getting the "C:\Program Files (x86) . . ." error with the shortcut to NX2. I've since found a solution which seems to be a fix for my ImagePrint favourite also. In each of the programs install directories (it could be anywhere though) I've created a shortcut to the application. I then dragged that to the favourites menu. If I delete the shortcut after adding them to the favourites panel the problem comes back. Dragging the shortcut from the start menu, Quick Launch, or pinned to the taskbar apps doesn't seem to work for those two. Other applications seem fine.

By the way, reorganising the order in the fav panel has a minor glitch. Selecting the entry in the panel of course opens the program and shifts focus to that window. The only way to get the keystrokes working for moving the entries (Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down) is to right click and move it once in that fashion. The entry now has focus and will move according to the keystrokes. A very minor issue.

Maybe something to look at when you have some time on your hands.  ;)


Did you create the shortcut for NX as explained in the help, from the START menu?
I would like to see a log file in Debug mode (Help menu in IMatch 5 > Support > Debug logging).

IMatch treats application shortcuts in special way, using an external launch helper process to work around the known Windows problem. So far this has worked with all 64-bit apps I have tried and no problems with that have been reported so far. We all know that Nikon software is special in many ways, but it should not differ from other 64-bit applications when it comes to being launched...

Please copy/paste your bug report in the appropriate forum (Bug Reports > User Interface) so it is properly recorded. Regular posts like this will not be searched for bug reports later  ;)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on July 04, 2013, 10:07:03 AM
You are aware of the feature to assign keyboard shortcuts to Favorites?

I'm not a fan of keyboard shortcuts (I can't remember them ???). I am a big fan of right-click context menus. I like the application favorites pane, but I too would like to see the ability to add applications and IM features to context menus. AL


The Favorites Panel is faster than a context menu. Only once click in stead of two.

If you really need to launch a program from a context menu there is a work-around: write a small script which starts the application. Then link that script into the file window context menu or any of the other supported menus.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on July 13, 2013, 07:44:05 AM
The Favorites Panel is faster than a context menu. Only once click in stead of two.

Thank you Mario,
Many times I find that the pane I need is not on top, which results in at least one more click. Also, I frequently find it faster to right click and select from a context menu than it is to locate the proper pane, move the mouse pointer to that pane and click. I'm thrilled with the new flexibility in IM5 and the favorites panes have many useful features. At the same time, all that nice flexibility makes it all the more valuable to have context menu items for as many features as possible. But then the problem is crowded context menus. That's where I see the value of user-customizable context menus. It's not a big leap from there to also allow external application to be added to context menus. I would consider this a helpful feature, but not a high priority right now with everything else you are doing to ready IM5 for production. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this exciting product. AL


Hello aloney,

to work with a new program with a new GUI behind, takes some time to become warm with it,means, to find out, what you can do and not and how you can change it to your own preferences ...

For the old "User Tools" I found this way for me, to link it separat very small to the other panels on the right side. So I have direct access to the tools I need.


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