Duplicate categories

Started by bjharris, March 30, 2014, 06:13:00 AM

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I have converted IM3 to IM5, but now have many duplicate categories in both category view and the category panel, probably because I imported the categories AND converted the database. The file assignments seem OK. In IM3 I used the Universal Catalog and Supplemental Categories. Is there a way to eliminate the duplicates, or should I start over and convert the database again? Thanks for any help.


What exactly do you mean with duplicate categories?
Two categories with the same name on the same level?`This is usually not possible.
Perhaps show us a screen shot.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Mario, attached is (1) a section of my Category View. For example."Travel & Geography' appears twice, but at different levels. "Home and Garden" appears twice but in different paths; "Art & Architecture" is a category under "Universal Catalog" and also as "Universal Catalog.Art & Architecture.Sculpture." (2) is part of my Category Panel which looks OK. (3) is another part of the Panel with some of the categories repeated.

My question is how best to put the categories back in their original order and eliminate the duplicates.
Many thanks,

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Bruce,

In IMatch 3, did you write your category assignments to keywords?  If so, that would explain your first screen shot, and also the duplicates as IMatch 5 has a new feature called @Keywords.  Look at the top of your category tree in the first screen shot, I'm guessing those categories are under @keywords.  If so search the help for @keywords and read up on them before doing anything else.


I agree. IMatch 5 automatically imports existing keywords in your files into the special @Keywords branch in the category tree.

So, if you had assigned your files to normal IMatch categories, and somehow copied these categories into keywords stored in your files, you get the same category twice:

1. Under @Keywords (imported from the keywords in your files)
2. As a normal category

See @Keywords in the IMatch help to learn about the new feature. Then decide what you want to do, or post a new question.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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