Media & Folders/Categories Filter For Consolodation

Started by Darius1968, May 02, 2014, 10:46:09 AM

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With Respect to Media & Folders, I can enter in the Filter field "Radio|TV", and this will make my view on my file structure less cluttered by only permitting the two branches of "Radio" & "TV" to be displayed.  At this point, I can't see any of the sub-folders of these branches, except by way of the file window's "Show hierarchy", which would be fine, but this way, I can't copy or paste to and from these sub-folders.  Now, let's say I want to be able to move things in the "Image" sub-folders of the "Radio" & "TV" top-folders.  I can do this by entering "Radio|TV|Images" into the Filter field because this will now make possible the display of the "Image" sub-folders of "Radio" & "TV".  This is better for me than just using the Search field because it is less cluttered, but there's still a little room for improvement as the branch structure is now a little more complicated than it has to be because other folders besides "Radio" & "TV" that also have the "Image" sub-folder are now displayed, and I only want the branches "Radio" & "TV" displayed. 
All what I've achieved in the above paragraph is via the regular expressions being enabled in the Filter field.  Is there anyway to effect what I want to do, or if not, can it somehow be pulled off by using a data driven category?