How can I move a folder and keep the metadata?

Started by i_d_, July 01, 2014, 09:53:00 PM

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I'm obviously missing something:
I tried to move a folder to a different hard disk drive within imatch, but couldn't figure out how. So I moved the folder manually (in windows explorer). Next I  tried to use the "relocate to other disc" option (at first I had assumed that this would do the actual moving), but this only seemed to delete the imatch folder with the metadata attached, but didn't generate a new folder (with metadata) in the destination folder. So I rescanned the destination folder, it's there, but without the metadata.
Sorry, could you follow?
Anyway, I suppose the metadata must still be somewhere. And also that there's a smoother way, but the manual doesn't really help me there.


As you found out once you rescanned the disk IMatch removed the folder from the database.  Hopefully you have a backup to your database that you can restore because once IMatch removes files from the database, they're gone.

To move a folder in IMatch you use drag and drop.  First make sure the drive you want to move to is indexed by IMatch by using My Computer (or your favorite file manager) to drag and drop the drive or parent folder of the folder you want to move to, into the IMatch media and folders view.  This adds the new drive to your database.  Next, still in media and folders view, just drag the folder you want to move, to the new drive where you want it and drop it.


Thanks, but there must be some switch to enable drag and drop from outside imatch in the first place. I think I can find a way around it creating a dummy folder outside imatch, then indexing it and dragging other folders into it, but somehow this doesn't seem to be the elegant solution...


There are ways to move folders within IMatch, as well as there are ways to move folders in Windows Explorer.
I hope you have a backup of your database somewhere?

The help system is pretty detailed about file and folder operations.
Just open the help, select the index tab, type folder management in the search box and you will find a long page about file and folder management (see attachment).
It addresses copy, move and relocation of files and folders.

[attachment deleted by admin]



hm, but are we talking about the same programme? In my help screen, this option does not appear, and I don't find any long page about folders either.
In fact, the help file practically starts with the words "How to add images to your database
When you have created a new folder on your database for your images, ... " but it does't tell me how to do that.
Obviously I don't want to index all the folders on my computer (which might solve the folder structure problem), but those that I want happen to be in very different locations, so they end up in a strange order in the database view (if that's what it's called).
Any ideas how I can locate the help file / tutorial that would explain how to do that?

[attachment deleted by admin]


I think John and myself are talking about IMatch 5.
The screen you printed seems to be from IMatch 3.
Is that the program you are using?




I see....
What you want to do can be done with IMatch 3 too.
However, if you don't have invested a lot of time and energy in building an IMatch3 database it might be better to skip IMatch3 and start right away with IMatch5.
