DB Converter fails to bring across all properties/attrributes

Started by Thomsob, September 01, 2014, 08:28:53 AM

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I have tried several times to convert my old IM3 database into 5 and all appears to go well, however it doesn't bring across all the attributes(i.e IM3 'properties'). The old db has a number of files that are currently on the hard drive and also has many that are offline and have properties in the db. It seems that it is bringing across all the data for files are actually present, but non of the offline files have their data migrated.

This is critically important for me because I search on these data to find images in the library. At the moment I am having to run both 3 and 5 to get me out of trouble.

I have revisited the conversion several times and I don't see any obvious settings that might be causing this.

Any ideas gratefully received.

cheers, Bruce


Please at least attach the log files produced by the database converter. See the corresponding topic in the database converter help. There is an explicit section about how to protocol/report errors encountered during the conversion.

Without the log files we can only guess at what may be wrong, and there are hundreds of potential guesses...

This should not be related to the on-line state of files because the properties are stored inside the database. Maybe the log files report errors or warnings. Usually problems migrating properties are caused by invalid properties (wrong references) in the original database. Make sure all your properties are setup correctly, don't link to non-existing reference properties etc.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario and others,

I have found part of the problem and have a new question! I had failed to import the cached files, so that explains what happened. No need for a log file at the moment.

The sequel - I checked the location of the cached data as per IM3 > Preferences and so then pointed the Converter to that directory. It came back with the invalid data response. So I went to look and yes, there is No data! There is the rather long file name consisting of numbers and nothing in it. Yet I do have a cache and I can see all the data in IM3. Any ideas as to how to find it...??

Many thanks, Bruce


The thread linked to by Stan may apply to your case.
If the cache folder contains no files, you have no off-line cache. The thumbnails are stored in the database itself and are unrelated to the off-line cache.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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