automatically save new keywords in thesaurus

Started by KimAbel, September 21, 2014, 11:19:12 AM

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I would like an option to automatically save new keywords into the thesaurus. Preferably into a separate group level for these automatically saved keywords. Then I can be sure that I use the same spelling every time. I know that I can manually save the keywords, but it takes more time.

Kim Abel


Enable Keyword Panel Options: Add new keywords to thesaurus. See help for details.
-- Mario
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I thought I had good overview of the keyword options!

Very nice. But all new keywords are added at the parent level and mixes in between my group levels (not so good if you have many group levels). Best would be to have all new keywords added in a separate group level (for instance a group level named "New keywords"). The keyword list gets much easier to work with when there is some order in it. That way it is also easy to export all the new keywords and edit them outside of IM.

Kim Abel


But all new keywords are added at the parent level

Give example. When I add a new keyword like WHO|persons|donald it gets added to exactly the right place and hierarchy in the thesaurus. When you only add the keyword donald it will be added at the root level of course.
-- Mario
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I think what he really wants is some sort of type-ahead, and I'd like that too.

For example, I have a keyword in the thesaurus "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Bastille" and I want to add "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Passy" to the thesaurus and the current file.  I don't want to have to type in the whole "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|" prefix, but as I understand it, I have to in order to add teh new keyword the way you're suggesting.  This also leaves open the possibility of spelling inconsistencies.  I can avoid this by opening up the thesaurus editor and just adding the "Passy" node at the right place, but that gets tedious too.

So I'd like some way to start typing in the "Enter new keywords here ...." box and get some some sort of type ahead that saves me having to type all of "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|".


Attached is two screenshots of my thesaurus. The first one shows how new keywords are added in my thesaurus at the current time. The new keywords are placed at the same level as my group levels and thereby makes my keyword structure more messy. The second one shows how I would like it to be done. All new keywords are placed inside a separate group level (New keywords). This way I can separate the manually entered keywords from all my other keywords, and later editing of the keyword list is easier. Ferdinands type-ahead also helps in getting the right spelling and especially if one one are dependent upon hiarchical keywords.

Instead of adding a separate typing window for new keywords as Ferdinand suggests I think this perhaps could be done in the existing keyword box (not sure if it is possible though):

First step is to type the first letters of the new keyword in the existing keyword box
Then scroll down to the best match (for instance "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Bastille" in Ferdinands example)
"Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Bastille" then appears in the keyword box and you can edit the keyword by adding "Passy" at the end
Press enter and "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Bastille" gets added as a keyword both to the thesaurus and the selected file.
If you only want to make a completely new keyword you could type the complete keyword and press enter.

Kim Abel

[attachment deleted by admin]


I wasn't suggesting a new "typing box".  I was trying to suggest what Kim suggests in his last paragraph.  So we are in agreement.



Quote from: Ferdinand on September 22, 2014, 08:38:01 AM
I think what he really wants is some sort of type-ahead, and I'd like that too.

For example, I have a keyword in the thesaurus "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Bastille" and I want to add "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Passy" to the thesaurus and the current file.  I don't want to have to type in the whole "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|" prefix,

The Keyword Panel has this functionality:

It might be that the list stays white with the current version. This was caused by a undiscovered side effect of the UI toolkit. I have that fixed for the 5.2.8 build already.

[attachment deleted by admin]
-- Mario
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Quote from: Mario on September 24, 2014, 08:17:11 AM
Quote from: Ferdinand on September 22, 2014, 08:38:01 AM
I think what he really wants is some sort of type-ahead, and I'd like that too.

For example, I have a keyword in the thesaurus "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Bastille" and I want to add "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Passy" to the thesaurus and the current file.  I don't want to have to type in the whole "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|" prefix,

The Keyword Panel has this functionality:

It might be that the list stays white with the current version. This was caused by a undiscovered side effect of the UI toolkit. I have that fixed for the 5.2.8 build already.

Hmmm, you're right, but sometimes it appears and sometimes not, which I don't think is caused by the UI toolkit.  Also, it's not consistent in what it offers. 

If I type "Bastille", which is an existing keyword then I get offered the full keyword "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris|Bastille" which I could then use it to enter "Passy".   So I have to know an existing keyword to use this as the basis for entering a new one. 

But if I have "Who|Family|Jean" I only get offered "Jean" and not the full keyword.  So it's not of much use in this instance

Moreover, if I was to start by typing in "Where" or "Who" then the type-ahead drop-down doesn't appear at all.  Which is why I didn't realise that it was there.


Are you using group levels? If so, which?
The search works in two phases:

1. Search leaf elements
2. Search anywhere in the keyword path

and it lists the results in this order.

Ah, I think I found the 'problem'. The drop-down list uses the word you type to lookup the keyword. It searches only the keywords (leaf-level) not the entire path. This is not ideal for the situation you're working. I will put that on my to-do list and see if I can find a way to make this fast enough to create thesaurus paths on-the-fly (a user may have thousands of keywords, mind) and still be usable.
-- Mario
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QuoteThe search works in two phases:

1. Search leaf elements
2. Search anywhere in the keyword path

and it lists the results in this order.

Do the filter box in the keyword panel sort this in another way? Because when I type in for instance "osp" in the filter box I get all the results from "search anywhere in the keyword path" first. The exact match comes way down the list which makes it hard to find. I use group levels and you can see which earlier in this post. Se also my earlier post abut this:

If my earlier post is a bug I can do a bug report, but if this is just the way it is supposed to be I will not.

Kim Abel


You said that you found the issue, but to answer your question, I don't use Group but I do use Exclude.  Who and Where are both marked as Exclude, and the next level for Who is also marked as Exclude, i.e. in Who|Family|Xxxx, Who|Friends|Xxxx, Who|Musicians|Xxxx Family, Friends and Musicians are also marked as Exclude.  I thought perhaps the two levels of Exclude rather than just one may have been part of the reason why Who had more problems than Where.


I worked a bit on that last night. IMatch now searches the complete path, favoring the leaf keywords (sort order). If there is a perfect match, it will be selected and brought into view. The thesaurus panel inside the Keyword Panel now also selects the perfect match (shortest match). I'll say give it a try when the 5.2.8 is out.

Since the original feature request is already implemented, i'll move this to solved.
-- Mario
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Thanks.  I'll give it a test in the next release.

I'm not sure if I was sufficiently clear in my posts, as there were two separate issues I found.  I'll retest in 5.2.8 and if the second one (in the "who" case (with two levels of exclude) if I started typing the leaf it found the leaf but didn't display the full hierarchy in the drop-down) is still there I'll open a new bug.


I included group nodes in the search path so if you have [WHO]|[IS]|the doctor as a keyword, you can type who to find it...
-- Mario
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I realise that.  But there's something else.  I'll start a new bug thread.

[new bug report here: ]