A small, personally current "conclusion" of IM5

Started by sinus, October 27, 2014, 01:05:31 PM

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Hi all,
For once I want simply write, what I personally think and what features of IMatdh I do use at the moment.
Maybe this is for a lot of people not interesting, but for others I could be or maybe it could give for some people some hints or ideas.

I have converted my database (db) from IM3 to IM5, say roughly 2-3 weeks ago. Because I use the db for professional use, I do first import new images into the db, and go with them through my current (and new and not finnished) workflow.
Most of my images are jpgs and nefs from different Nikons. But I have also quite a lot of tifs, gifs, indd (InDesign), sla (Scribus), txt, doc, xls, pdfs and some more.

Currently I have about 170'000 images, where I have not imported some folder, like for example my music-folder. With them I will have about 210'000 images.

So here my votes  ;) , as I said, totally subjective and my impression could also be wrong.
To makes it easy, I use the "Visual Index" of the help-file of IMatch (what existence have been inspired by some users, Richard was involved, if I remember correctly) and the same order like in the helpfile (what is to say, the helpfile is REALLY, REALLY GREAT!)

This gives me the guarantee, that I do not forget an important feature  ;)

The workspace
To use seveal workspaces I like a lot (I have 2 monitors, the panels on the second monitor, GREAT, I would not give away my second monitor). What I find reayll not intuitive is how to safe a workspace and a changed workspace. There was a thread about this, I found the explanation from Mario logical ... but it is not intuitive for me.

Media and Folders
Normal, nothing special for me since IM3, it does the work, like I expect it.

For me one of the heart-pieces of IMatch. Great, intuitive(ly) (ahh... sorry for my English, but you will understand, I think) and with a lot of possibilities. I work also a lot with formulas. Rock-solid like the cats in IM3.

Well, FOR ME not solid, in contrary, I have lost a lot of pins, dots, flags and if I remeber correctly, even bookmarks. Labels and Stars (rating) are, hmm, solid. For example bookmarks in IM3 are also really rock-solid, but not here. But Mario has seen my different bug-reports and is working of it, as soon as he can reprocuce it. Maybe it is me, what makes something wrong or curios, seldom things, but it is like it is.
Apart from this, I love collections! It gives me new possibilities to organize my images.
And I am quite sure, some days also collections will be rock-solid.

Looks good and does, what it should, but I have to say, I have not used it a lot, even almost not.

File Window
This part I canot praise enough!  :) Really very good. We have natively a good choice to display the files. And in my case I managed to create a nice File-Window-aerea for the thumbs. We can change a lot and even create and display own icons (text and files) and let print a lot of text under or above each thumb. GREAT! It is not that easy to create some own displaying, but the result is outstanding. There are some small wishes, but not (now) enough important for me to create a feature request.

Rejecting Files
I have begun to start using them. Nice, they do what the should. What I had in the past, is curious and maybe also my own fault, maybe 2-3 times I had suddenly hundreds of rejected files, though I did not reject or delete them. But because it was quickly repaired and I thought, it is my mistake, I did not create a bug report.

Metadata Templates
A GREAT tool! I begin to realize, what I can do everything with this fantastic part of IMatch. Outstanding.

Filter panel
To be honest, I have not used it a lot yet, though several times. It seems to be very mighty, but also not that easy to handle. But I think, if I use it regulary, I am quickly familiar with this tool. We can search almost for everything, I think.

Quick View Panel
A very good tool, what does what it should. Also this "diving" (zooming) into the image is great. And lately explored (through a user-thread, maybe Karl?), that also pdfs and docs are viewable in this view. I did not knew this, great, because I must not always open a pdf or Word to know, how it looks like.

Metadata Panel
Phew, well, what can I say? Coming from IM3 it was brand-new for me and ... overhelming! I thought, great ... but no. I don't like. But now, I begin to appreciate this panel more and more. I can (and have) even create my own panel inside it. My overhelming came also from not understanding the xmp-chaos, I guess. Suddenly my unique entry was in other fields too, two times, three and ... well, now I think, I understand the whole xmp-chaos better and I enjoy the Metadata-Panel a lot.

Keyword Panel
Simply outstanding! I works not very long with it really, but its functionality is really great. Entering in IM3 was nice, entering (and deleting) keywords in IM5 is fantastic. Take the included Thesaurus with synonyms into this Keyword-Panel and your entering of keywords is really a pleasure (ok ... drinking a cup of coffee or other things are a bit more of pleasure  ;D )

Categories Panel
I have worked only several times with it, hence I cannot say a lot. But it seems to be very timesaving to add quickly some categories and so further.

History Panel
A good thing where I can see a lot of my images ... but to be honest, until now it is not really important for me.

Favorites Panel
A very good Panel! Great to add the important steps of my workflow! I can even create a step visually quite nice and with funny icons.

Statistic Panel
A nice tool, a lot of possibilities, but not for me not really necessary. But I can imagine, for some kind it could be very useful.

Script Manager Panel
Does, what it should. But generally, the integration of scripts in IMatch is a great thing! I did in IM3 a lot with scripts. At the moment here in IM5 I have only one script (puts images and text into a word-doc), simply because IM5 is natively very strong. But I am sure, I will use more scripts in the feature, sometimes simply to have some fun.  ;)

Stacks Panel
I use the panel not very often, but STACK! They are really great, I have just begun to work with them, I use auto-stack (a key for this would be fine) with an metadata-field, it declutters my window very quickly and good! A great tool! If I must choose between versions and stacking, I would choosing stacking at first.

Versions Panel
Versions works also, like Stacks, very stable and astonishing fast for me. Also the included propagation works find and sometimes it looks almost magically for me. Wonderful ... except the problem for me, that I have with proxies. Using a proxy would be fine for me, but like it is integrated, it lacks (my opinion) for one thing, what makes versions-stacks and proxies in the daily working not very useable. (BTW: I have placed a feature request for this https://www.photools.com/community/index.php?topic=1614.msg19094#msg19094 )

App Panel
A nice and good enhancement to have several Apps.

Map Panel
Because I do not use (yet) GPS-locations, I do not use it, but seems looking very good. I am sure, it is fun.

Info & Activity Panel
A nice thing. Though I would with, when IMatch is working in the background, I could see this also here, because somtimes IMatch is working, I can see it at the bottom, but it is not written always, what it does. But for indexing pictures very useful.

Cool and (quite) fast. Does, what it should, the diving and flip to 100% is very good.

Could be fascinating, but I do not use it until now. Maybe some day...

Slide Show
Not used until now. I am sure, it is fine, but I work with the viewer now. One day I will use it, maybe a cup of coffee (Hey Mario, you remember??? My coffee-button is on your feature request, I would say, since 10 years or so  ;D ) and looking at some of my wunderful images  8)

Universal Thesaurus
GREAT. Outstanding, very good!

Hmm. A very good tool.
But for me entering text is a BIT akward, also the dropbox-entries and specialy the appearance. I would like to have it like with IM3, not horizonaly, but vertically, like the Metadata-Panel.
But anyway, a good and clearly enhanced tool, compared against the properties of IM3.

File Relations
I talked above a bit about this. Stacking and versions are very good, makes a lot of scripts obsolet. Buddy files I do not use.

Also a thing to praise! GREAT! And also great are the formating - funcions for variables! Astonishing. And I can use variables at a lot of places!

Makes an important script in IM3 obsolete. A very good and also quite intuitive tool.

ExifTool Command Processor
I am happy, that Mario has implemented some examples in the drop-box. So I can see for example all keywords (in the 3 fields). I do not understand a lot, but I can see ALL metadata, included in my file or in the xmp-sidecar-file. I understand, the basic work is from Phil. Great integration!

Import & Export
Does, what it should, I think ;)
Things like Text export will be interesting, when I must use it.

Batch Processor
Seems to be also a very useful tool. But it works only with photo-formats as outputs, so all fine jingle and bells, included there are not useful for me, because a LOT of my clients wants have the output as a word-doc. The reason is simple: they want be able to write/edit some text under a picture (thumb) and send this to other people.
That is why I wrote my own (horrible code, but working  ;D ) script, what does this (though not all possibilities of the Batch Processor). It's a pity (for me), but it is, like it is.

SORRY, I had in my mind the "contact sheet builder" from IM3. But, if I have not overseen  ;D and if I remember correct, this is still in the pipeline from Mario (the contact sheet builder).

But the Batch Processor of IM5 is very good and with a lot of possibilities. I can create very quickly funny and also usefull images, like borders, canvas and so on. I think, should deeper look into this.

I have not used it, can nothing say about it.

Text Export
Also not used, I am sure, it works fine.

Attribute Import
First I thougth, this I will use, but then I changed my workflow and I think, I will not use it. BUT important to have, if I must use it.

Geo Mapping App
I do not use GPS.

Data Mapping App
Fascinating! A nice kind of a game.  8) But I will not use it often, I guess.

Report App
I did not use this app, can say nothing.

QR Code App
A nice app, does, what it should.

Copy Data App
Not used, also surely good.

I think, this is also very important! I can choose a lot of stuff, what should be done with my images during an import (Indexing). Because I can add Metadata-Templates, the possibilities are sheer endless.

I think, importing. But I did nothing with this until now.

Metadata Settings
Phew, well, an important preference. I took the defaults of IMatch and it seems to work. But I must say, like I wrote above, metadata is a mess and for me very complicated.
For me it is even in IM5 too complicated, it should be easier. But I realize, that users has a lot of different withes and corrupt or messy files, so it is simply not possible to integrate this in 1, 2 entries. If it works (and it seem to work for me now), I will never touch this metadata-preference any more.

Additional Metadata Settings
I used the defaults in all metadata formats.

Sort presets
Not used them, because I use now simply the default, and, guess ... it works ;)

File Window Tip
Very informativ! Thanks because there are some examples inside, it is easy to edit.
A fine tool, really good!

IMatch Pack & Go
To be honest, I do this from time to time, simply as a backup and I HOPE, it works, if I need it to restore. It is at least easy to use, thanks for this.

Converter for IMatch 3 Databases
I used this converter 3-4 times with my 200'000 files - db. Once it worked, after 24 hours it was finished.
Once it crashed after 20 hours.
But is have no doubt, that this converter does a good job. First I had 2 slow image-storing (USB2) and my db is quite huge.
So I decided to import my db not with the converter, but with import the files directly in IM5 and export-import the categories into IM5. This worked very well!
But I think, the converter does a good job and we can trust it (him?).

Phew, did not know, that IMatch does offer that mutch!  :( :)
In the last couple of days I did NOT use IM3! I worked (slowly) with IM5, so it seems, I can handle my huge db with IMatch.

Thanks for listening.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


 :) :) Nice summary Markus!!! Thanks for that!

May I add:  I have ca. 120.000 pics and I use IM5 almost every day. So far I have never really experienced a serious problem (apart from me NOT using the excellent HELP script!). To handle such an amount of files with that speed is just great.

I personally love in particular the attributes and the filter panel a lot. As I do make photobooks (fortunately not for a living) I make quite some notes or cut/paste comments from the internet into the Description field. The search for specific words in that "narrative" is just second to none. Admittedly, you have to play around with attributes and the great, great filer system a little bit, before you can really appreciate it.

The other day, I corrupted my data base, but due to the fact that I very regularly make an update (because of the prompt when you close IM) I could easily restore the latest verion within a very short time.

For me the key is that the system works like a dream, fast AND reliable and is extremely flexible!!! I whole heartedly recommend the software to everybody, who is looking for a great database management system!

Cheers, Juergen


Thanks, Markus, for an excellent review.  There are many features of IM5 I have never used (yet!), and your summary helps me think about many aspects of the program which may also prove to be quite helpful to me, once I have more fully explored them . . .   
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Quote from: jelvers on October 27, 2014, 08:14:48 PM
For me the key is that the system works like a dream, fast AND reliable and is extremely flexible!!! I whole heartedly recommend the software to everybody, who is looking for a great database management system!

Cheers, Juergen

Thanks, Juergen!
You are right, IMatch is very reliable and extremely flexible. Like in "the good old days with IM3" (phew, I am getting old, to speak from good old days!  :o ) IMatch 5 is really very fascinating, but can even more than IM3, a lot more!

I like it very mutch to play ... ahem, work with IM5!  :D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: BanjoTom on October 27, 2014, 11:37:09 PM
Thanks, Markus, for an excellent review.  There are many features of IM5 I have never used (yet!), and your summary helps me think about many aspects of the program which may also prove to be quite helpful to me, once I have more fully explored them . . .

Thanks too, Tom,
IMatch is so mighty and have so many features to explore, that it takes time.
You have also not lerned to play Banjo (do you play?) in one week, I guess!?  8)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Well, I looked (a bit) into the Batch Processor, and I must say: really impressive.

Batch Processor
Clean and intuitive.

I have a LOT of "jingle and bells" to choose!
And VERY good, I can click always on a realy fast preview.

So I will create some presets for me and that's it.
Maybe one for my familiy members, 3-4 for clients and so on, one for the web and so on.

A fine solution for outputting my images in various possibilities.  :D

added later: and the loupe in the preview is great!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Markus: No, it takes much longer than one week to learn to play the banjo ;) OR to learn all one might wish to know about IMatch. 

I've been playing the 5-string banjo for about 55 years now . . . and while I could produce acceptable music on that instrument (at least, acceptable to me!) after less than one year, it's now simply a pleasurable habit and for most of my listeners, an enjoyable experience.  But I should note that in playing bluegrass banjo -- as with ALL music -- one never ceases to learn.

I think I'm already getting a LOT of help and use from IMatch, but don't think I'll need 55 more years to feel comfortable with it!  It already has greatly improved my management of almost all the digital assets on my computers.  A GREAT product, with wonderful support and help both from Mario and from forum users like YOU.  Thanks for that!
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Hi Tom
Hey, that is an interesting post for me, really.

Sometimes we get help or we can give help to others, people writes here, waits, read, are angry (a bit   :o ), are happy  :D ... and we don't know the people, who stays behind.

So your post is interesting. I do not know Banjo very good, but I know, how it sounds ... hmmm, was there not a banjo involved in "Doctor Shiwago"?

I am sure, not that long, and you will be a master of IMatch - at least for this, what YOU wants and must control with it.

So let's play a bit of music and relax!  8) 8) (I think, the two Blues Brothers did not play Banjos, but I like the music also )
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


While reading Sinus's report on his personal usage and feeling about IM I thought how different the experiences of the IM users on this forum may be. This is also evident when reading the forum, there is such a diversity of point of view. Normal, since IM is a complex and multi faceted program.

It can be driven in so many different ways and approaches that inevitably we do it. I think that Mario is sometimes puzzled, but it's his entire fault.

I use much fewer capabilities than Sinus, no attributes, no pins, no collections, only metadata and templates, some scripts, categories and a limited set of @keywords. All this works now very well, a real pleasure to use. Being a late bloomer I"ll probably start using attributes some day. and that's it. And that is a lot.

A propos banjo my dad used to play it. His performance of the Deliverance banjo part was "sincere".



Quote from: cytochrome on October 30, 2014, 08:57:38 AM
A propos banjo my dad used to play it. His performance of the Deliverance banjo part was "sincere".

Well, the world is small, all power to the banjos!  ;D

Wanted express:
I work with stacking (auto): it works really very good, fast and it declutters my monitor for sure. Of course I had this and that small with, but at the end so small, that it is not worth (now) to mention it.
Stacking is cool.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)