Copying metadata from .JPG to .RAF

Started by Red_Indian, January 30, 2015, 02:16:43 PM

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Hello *,

as my camera (Fuji XT1) doesn't generate RAF-files for, e.g., Panorama-shots, I have more JPGs than RAFs. Therefore, I handle JPG-files as my "master-files" in the sense, that I want all* (see 'Exception' later on) XMP-, GPS- and IIM-IPTC-metadata of my JPGs to be copied/propagated to corresponding RAFs, once I have completed metadata edition of my JPGs.

All JPGs and corresponding RAFs do have 100% identical filenames, only the file-extensions is obviously different (image123.JPG, image123.RAW).

I store all JPGs and all corresponding RAFs in two different folders (folder123_JPG, folder123_RAF).

Exception: I don't want XMP-'Title' and IPTC-'Object Name' to be copied from JPG to RAF, as I use a command to write the filenames into 'Title', and from there they are automatically propagated into Object Name.

I have extensively scanned iMatch5 Help and found the topics of metadata-batch processing and especially file-relations to be relevant for what I'm trying to achieve, but, sorry, I can't figure it out ...

Any help would be highly appreciated, be it a somewhat manual procedure ("that's how you batch-copy your metadata from JPGs to RAFs"), or a constant automatic propagation of JPG-metadata to corresponding RAFs ("that's how you set up file relations to serve your particulat needs").

Thanks a lot!



I've got an X-T1 and it's the camera I shoot with most at present.  I haven't found the need to reverse the natural order of things and make JPG the master files.  To answer your question:

Quote from: Red_Indian on January 30, 2015, 02:16:43 PM
I don't want XMP-'Title' and IPTC-'Object Name' to be copied from JPG to RAF, as I use a command to write the filenames into 'Title', and from there they are automatically propagated into Object Name.

This is hard if you want to copy other XMP / IPTC fields but not these ones (I suggest you copy XMP and let IMatch and ExifTool handle the population of IPTC automatically).  IMatch mostly copies / propagates XMP as a block.  Off the top of my head I think you'll need a script.  I've got a propagation script that could be used as the basis of this, but it would need extensive modification. 

It might seem harsh to say to a new forum member that they need a custom script, but if you want to propagate some but not all XMP fields then you have a very unique workflow and that's the price.

Of course if you don't want to copy any XMP / IPTC then it's easy enough simply not to enable the propagation of these in File Relations.  You can also do the copy manually using Copy  then Paste Attributes from the file menu.  But this is tedious for multiple files.


Hi Ferdinand,

thank you for your quick response!

I reversed the "natural order of things" (like that expression!), because when I return from a trip, I have, let's say, 1,000 JPGs, but only corresponding 900 RAFs. Reversing the natural order means: I write metadata for the 1,000 JPGs, and (hopefully ...) batch-copy them into the 900 RAFs, as an intelligent mechanism will be able to identify the 900 JPG-RAF pairs while leaving the 100 JPGs without corresponding RAFs aside.

Doing it in the natural order (RAF -> JPG) means: I'll have to handle the 100 JPGs, for which there are no corresponding RAFs, separately.

Thinking about my initial Exception-requirement ('Title'/'Objcet Name' not being copied): I guess, I could skip that requirement, and handle 'Title'/'Object Name' of the RAFs later on separately (just another batch job, already configured in my iMatch).

So, if leaving "Exception" aside, do you still think what I want can only be achievd via a custom script? Given the incredible out-of-the-box potential of iMatch 5, I thought there would be such a mechanisms built in ...

This is not to say that I'm afraid of scripting, as I have done that in iMatch 3.6. I have to admit that "done" doesn't mean building a script from scratch, but I'm able to understand what a script does, and to customize a given script according to my requirements.

Having said that: could you provide the script you mentioned (in case custom scripting is the only way to go from your point of view. As said, forget my Exception) ?

Thanks again and best regards



QuoteGiven the incredible out-of-the-box potential of iMatch 5, I thought there would be such a mechanisms built in ...
IMatch has a very powerful feature for that: File Relations.
You just have to make up your mind about what you consider a version and what you consider a master. If you set IMatch to propagate metadata from JPEG (master) to RAF (master), you can automate things smoothly. You can have this versioning always enabled, or only enable this rule on a 'as-needed' basis and then promote once from the JPEG masters to the RAF files.

Except you use an exceptionally non-standard workflow, the tools built-into IMatch go a long way. If they don't work for you, you may need to automate only some things, while doing other things manually. Or setup a custom script which implements your personal workflow and automates things completely. In IMatch, there is at least (almost) always a way...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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My assumption was that the OP had discovered propagation as part of file relations, but wanted something rather specific that it couldn't delivery, although it's possible he hadn't, or not fully.

My view is that it's best to simplify your workflow in V5 in order to use native functionality as much as possible, rather than scripts.  V3.6 was far less powerful, and so people had to resort to scripts, and in doing so they often constructed complex workflows.   Then they try to migrate them to V5, which often has ways of doing what they want, but different ones.  So you must choose between adapating, or continuing to write scripts.

As Mario said, propagating metadata from masters to versions is a native part of IMatch 5.  You'd only resort to a script if your requirements really couldn't be met by the native functionality.  I wrote a propagation script to handle a few of those cases, but as Mario progressively enhanced V5 we got the the point where there remain very few instances when you need it.


Hi Mario, Ferdinand,

thanks a lot for your advice, and sorry for my belated response. Had to dramatically shift priorities in the last couple of days ..

I'll try to follow up on your advice. Let's see ...

Thanks again and best Regards
